Home Contests Venture Cup Denmark University Startup World Cup 2020 for University Startups worldwide ($15,000 USD prize)

Venture Cup Denmark University Startup World Cup 2020 for University Startups worldwide ($15,000 USD prize)

by OFA

Application Deadline: June 14th 2020

Venture Cup Denmark hosted the first University Startup World Cup back in 2015 with 37 university startups from around the world. It turned out to be a great success, and it has been running ever since in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Despite reaching millions of readers worldwide, meeting some of the largest companies in Denmark and winning significant cash prizes, one of the most remarkable things about the World Cup turned out to be the international network that the participants achieved after spending 5 days in Copenhagen. And even though some of the participants have since changed career path, are no longer studying and is not part of the international startup ecosystem, the network is still active today. 

The goal with University Startup World Cup is to feature the best university startups from around the world and give them a network which will help them grow – both businesswise and personally. 

University Startup World Cup 2020

The World Cup will take place in Wenzhou, China, on October 18th – 20th, and it will be a great opportunity to meet key players from the Chinese ecosystem, including investors, entrepreneurs, companies and other student startups. A total of around 60 of the best university startups will participate and we promise that it will be defining moment for your startup. 


  • You’re part of a startup with two co-founders and one of them has to be affiliated to a university.
  • If you are being represented by a country partner, they cannot be a co-founder within the team, but mentorship is allowed.
  • You classify as either early stage or growth stage (see the definitions in FAQ)
  • You want to be part of a network of international student entrepreneurs
  • You see the possibilities in meeting with key players from the Chinese startup ecosystem


You will be invited to join around 60 other startups to meet and greet with Chinese investors, companies, and tech experts. You will be part of a network that you can use long after the University Startup World Cup if you need contacts on a specific market, scalability advice or a couch to crash on when traveling the world!

Sounds pretty amazing, right? And we haven’t even mentioned the honor and promotion that go hand in hand with 

How to Apply

The 4 categories are; HealthtechGreentechICT (information communication technology) and Smart City. There are four categories for each early stage and growth stage, with a total of 8 category winners and 2 overall winners. Only 2 members per startup is allowed to attend.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Venture Cup Denmark University Startup World Cup 2020

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