Home Call for Applications UN-Habitat Call for Regional Curators for UN-Habitat and GCoM’s (virtual) Innovate4Cities conference

UN-Habitat Call for Regional Curators for UN-Habitat and GCoM’s (virtual) Innovate4Cities conference

by OFA

Application Deadline: 10 May 2021

UN-Habitat is co-hosting the (virtual) Innovate4Cities conference with the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM).The Innovate4Cities Conference seeks to support accessible, innovative, equitable city climate action through promoting, guiding, and sharing city-focused research and innovation, driving partnerships and implementation at the local and neighbourhood scale.

We are seeking regional curator teams comprised of local governments, research institutions and innovation partners to support the delivery of a programme that is diverse, accessible and representative of city scale innovation, knowledge and ambition from all regions of the globe.

Caption: The Global Research and Action Agenda for Cities and Climate Change Science, developed after the first conference in 2018 in Edmonton, will form the thematic basis for the Innovate4Cities conference 2021.

The Conference organising partners are looking for curatorial teams from all regions of the globe, working and researching the nexus between science and practice for ambitious delivery of climate goals, to curate program elements that bring regional voices, opportunities, and priority innovation pathways and partnerships to the conference.

The Innovate4Cities Conference Regional Curatorial teams will be recognised as supporters of the event, for providing curated programme segments that feature tangible on-the-ground outcomes, co-creation of regional solutions, and present leading research, innovation, and practice from their nominated region.

Please note that there is no financial award or payment from conference organisers to regional curator teams.

Why become a regional curator?

  • Gain significant organisational and brand visibility at major global conference, including via being recognized as sponsors (logo and website) on conference website and relevant virtual promotional material.
  • Shape regional discussions and priorities before and during the conference in cooperation with the relevant national / regional Covenant of Mayors.
  • Opportunities to showcase organisational good practice in the conference programme, including via representation in a high-level panel and by showcasing local stories via a virtual field trip. In addition to programming a series of sessions, workshops and events for the Conference, be offered opportunity to participate in / organize a high-level panel, including the opportunity to host a welcome and closing event by the Mayor/s of the curatorial team city/cities
  • Contact with other regions working on similar or complementary challenges and strategies
  • All team members (individuals) will be recognised as Regional Curators on website and programme

Eligibility criteria

  • A minimum of 2, maximum of 6 local government, research institutions and or organisations representing sectors with expertise in city climate change science or innovation from your time zone region
  • Includes at least 1 research institute/University and 1 local government from within your time zone region
  • Evidence that your team includes or will partner with other urban stakeholders to be able to provide regional and thematic contextual content to the program and target appropriate participants.
  • One individual to act as the Team lead and contact with conference organiser
  • All team institutions / organisations will be recognised as sponsors, via logo, and lead individual/s can be named as regional curators

Key dates for Regional Curators

  • Launch of Expression of Interest19 April 2021
  • Deadline for submissions: 10 May
  • Short list Invited to meet with organising team to confirm involvement: 19 May
  • Regional curators to provide a draft program of ideas: 10 June
  • Final programme due: 30 June

Find out more in the full call document here.

Apply here.

For more information, please reach out to:

Steven Bland, Climate Change and Innovation Specialist, Programme Development/ Innovation Unit 


Dr Cathy Oke,University of Melbourne


For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the UN-Habitat Call for Regional Curators for UN-Habitat

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