Application Deadline: September 30th 2018
The National Treasury is committed to youth and skills development in South Africa. It provides graduates an opportunity to gain meaningful workplace experience to complement their studies. The Graduate Development Programme is directed at those who have or are in the process of completing their studies.
Graduate recruits will be part of a supportive environment allowing for continuous
The CAA provides an avenue for prospective Chartered Accountants to receive training without going through an audit firm. This type of training has been a feature in the
private sector for some time, but has been adopted by the public sector. National Treasury was the first national government department to introduce such a programme.
This programme will not only reinforce your academic education, but will also help deve
lop business acumen, professional and ethical values. The programme will contribute significantly to the National Treasury’s ability to attract and retain key finance and accounting professionals within the department and the broader public sectoras a whole. A maximum of 10 graduates a year get selected into the programme.
The three (3) year professional training has been structured in a manner that offers the trainees exposure in key areas with specialisation in Financial Management and Management Decision-Making and Control.
- CAA trainees are offered competitive market-related salaries, which are structured according to the individual qualifications.
- To qualify for the CAA, candidates must have completed or be in their final year of completing the Certificate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA), Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA) or B.Com Accounting Honours, which will enable them to write the qualifying board examination.
- Graduates must have completed their undergraduate and be in the final year of completing a Certificate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA) or BComm Accounting Honours degree, which enables them to write the board examinations
The National Treasury team will be embarking on recruitment drives at universities around the country. Look out for further information around campus or at your university’s careers office
- CAA trainees are offered a market related salary.
How to Apply:
Complete and submit the CAA application form available on National Treasury’s website
(www.treasury.gov.za),and attach the following:
•Completed application form
•Certified copy of your SA identity document
•Full official academic record
Submit completed applications via e-mail to
[email protected] or Post to:
The Training Officer
National Treasury
Private Bag X 115
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the National Treasury Chartered Accountants Academy Programme 2018
[…] The National Treasury is committed to youth and skills development in South Africa. It provides graduates an opportunity to gain meaningful workplace experience to complement their studies. The Graduate Development Programme is directed at those who have or are in the process of completing their studies. Graduate recruits will be part of a supportive environment allowing for continuous development.CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ACADEMYThe CAA provides an avenue for prospective Chartered Accountants to receive training without going through an audit firm. This type of training has been a feature in the private sector for some time, but has been adopted by the public sector. National Treasury was the first national government department to introduce such a programme. […]
[…] Le Trésor National s’engage pour le développement des jeunes et des compétences en Afrique du Sud. Il offre aux diplômés la possibilité d’acquérir une expérience de travail significative pour compléter leurs études. Le programme de développement des diplômés s’adresse à ceux qui ont terminé ou sont en train de terminer leurs études. Les recrues diplômées feront partie d’un environnement favorable permettant un développement continu.ACADÉMIE DES COMPTABLES AGRÉÉSLe CAA permet aux futurs comptables agréés de recevoir une formation sans passer par un cabinet d’audit. Ce type de formation est une caractéristique du secteur privé depuis un certain temps, mais a été adopté par le secteur public. Le Trésor national a été le premier département gouvernemental national à introduire un tel programme. […]
[…] The National Treasury is committed to youth and skills development in the country. The Graduate Development Programme is directed at university graduates who have completed, or are in the process of completing their degrees in 2020. […]
[…] Le Trésor National s’engage pour le développement des jeunes et des compétences dans le pays. Le programme de développement des diplômés s’adresse aux diplômés universitaires qui ont terminé ou sont en train de terminer leurs diplômes en 2020. […]