Home Contests The Innovate Green Competition (IGC) 2019 for university students in the Middle East and North Africa ($USD 20,000 cash Prize & Fully Funded to the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya)

The Innovate Green Competition (IGC) 2019 for university students in the Middle East and North Africa ($USD 20,000 cash Prize & Fully Funded to the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya)

by OFA

Application Deadline: February 9th 2019

The Innovate Green Competition (IGC) is a cooperative initiative that aims to stimulate and unleash entrepreneurship and innovation within university students in the Middle East and North Africa. The competition will provide the students with an opportunity to make a positive impact on society by addressing environmental issues through social and technological innovation, whilst contributing to their own economic benefit.

The competition is jointly organised by the United Nations Environment West Asia Regional Office and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Investment Technology and Promotions Office (ITPO) Bahrain, and through the sponsorship of The First Energy Bank, with a focus on “Achieving the SDGs through Entrepreneurship & Innovation”.

  • Environmental sustainability, outlined by the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15)
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, as highlighted on SDG 9
  • Gender Equality in Manufacturing and the role of women entrepreneurship (SDG 5)
  • Green Chemistry, to eliminate or reduce the use or generation of hazardous substances across the lifecycle of a product
  • Circular Economy; through practices such as, designing waste out of products, using waste as a resource, or through the repair, reuse, remanufacture, refurbishment of products and materials to maintain value in the economy

Application Participation Criteria

-All team members must be current and enrolled university students (Bachelors, Masters or PhD Students)
-Applicants must be at least 18 of age
-Open to individuals or teams of up to 3 people; teams must include at least one female member
-All teams MUST nominate a team member to represent the team at the UNEA-4 in Nairobi, Kenya.
-Open to students with innova0ve solu0ons to environmental problems -Applications must be made using a Business Plan Template
-The working language for all documents and communication related to the competition must be completed in English

-Be able to travel to Nairobi (11th to 15th of March 2019) -Must possess a passport valid for at least 6 months, with at least 2 blank pages
-Be able to apply for and obtain a visa
-Be able to support themselves financially during the duration of the stay in Nairobi
-Must prepare and deliver a short presentation about their business plan at the award ceremony

Event Prizes

The top three winners will receive the following prizes:

1ST Place: A cash prize of USD 10,000

2nd Place: A cash prize of USD 7,000

3rd Place: A cash prize of USD 3,000

In addition to that, a team member from the top three teams/applicants will be sponsored (Economy ticket and Accommodation) to attend and take part in the 4th UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. All three winning teams/applicants will additionally be rewarded with:

An official certificate from the UN Environment and UNIDO ITPO Bahrain Increased visibility for their initiative through the various partners and supporters

Access to UNIDO ITPO Bahrain’s EDIP program and entrepreneurs The top 25 applicants will be provided the following:

An online EDIP boot camp run by UNIDO ITPO Bahrain (AICEI).

Submission Process:

Submission Steps:

All interested candidates will submit their applications online; candidates can register on the below webpage to receive information and download a Business Plan template, or communicate by email.

To apply, please go to: www.innovategreencompe00on.com

For more informa6on, please email: info@innovategreencompe00on.com

Deadline for submission: February 9th, 2019

Further inquiries will only be answered from the provided email contact. Applicants and their applica0ons confirm their agreement to the Completion Terms & Condi0ons once submitting their applications.*

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Innovate Green Competition (IGC) 2019

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