Home Call for Applications The Digital Human Rights Innovation Program 2021 for young Ugandans.

The Digital Human Rights Innovation Program 2021 for young Ugandans.

by OFA

Application Deadline:18th April 2021 11:59pm.

The Digital Human Rights Innovation Program
enters the second round. It aims to create digital solutions for Human Rights Defenders to execute their work in better, more efficient and more secure ways. In order to implement these solutions, your motivated team can apply with a digital idea to win a share of the total amount of 60.000.000 UGX and qualify for the following 6-month Mentorship Programme.

Call for Ideas

If you have an idea to improve human rights work, your team (2 – 6 people) can apply until 18th April 2021 (11:59pm EAT) via the application form. Your idea can refer to one of the 6 Areas of Action or you can propose a new Area of Action.
*We highly encourage women or people belonging to minority groups to apply.

Evaluation of Applications

Applications will be evaluated independently by at least two persons according to the following criteria:

  • Problem-Solution-Fit: Does the idea address the needs of the target group?
  • Impact: How impactful is the idea?
  • Motivation: Is the team impact-driven and motivated?
  • Human Rights Work: Does the team bring experience from previous work in Human Rights?
  • Team’s Skill-Set: Does the team have the (digital) skills to make it happen?
  • Degree of Innovation: How innovative is the idea in that context?
  • Technology: Is the idea technology-based or to be implemented with digital means?

Design Sprint

After the Call for Ideas 10 teams get pre-selected to join the Design Sprint. You will work together with trained coaches to develop, refine and redesign your idea, solution or approach.

Pitch Event

At the Pitch Event the 10 teams present their ideas, solutions and projects. Based on common selection criteria, the jury selects 4 winning teams that will receive part of the total award money and further support in terms of a 6-month Mentorship Program. The total award money of UGX 60.000.000 is going to be divided among the teams according to their needs.

Mentorship Program

In the following 6 months after the Pitch Event, experienced mentors will support the 4 winning teams according to their specific needs.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Digital Human Rights Innovation Program 2021

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