Home Competition The 2012 Voices4Climate Competition


In the run-up to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 18) in Qatar this December 2012, the Voices4Climate Competition invites young people from all over the world to submit photos, videos, music videos, and podcasts that tell powerful climate change stories. Start shooting, snapping, reporting, and rapping and tell us: how is climate change affecting your country? Your community? You, your friends, and your family? Do you have a cool idea for a local solution?

Rules for Submission:

  • Voices4Climate Competition participants will be asked to certify their age when entering, and the World Bank reserves the right to verify the age of any participant, including potential winners.
  • Participants submitting photos and videos to the competition must be between 13 to 35 years old and entries will be divided into and judged within two age groups: 13 to 17 years old and 18 to 35 years old.
  • Participants submitting music videos to the competition must be between 18 to 35 years old and will be judged within this single age group.
  • Participants submitting podcasts to the special TerrAfrica Podcast Story category must be between 18 to 35 years old and will be judged within this single age group.
  • Voices4Climate photo, video, music video, and podcast submissions must be created by and owned by the entrant.
  • Voices4Climate photo, video, and music video entries must tell a climate change story related to one of these eight categories: 1)Agriculture, 2) Cities, 3)Energy, 4)Forests, 5)Gender, 6)Health, 7)Jobs and the Green Economy, and 8)Water

Prizes may include solar backpacks, digital still/video cameras, computer tablets, and mobile phones.

  • Photo Category: Prizes will be given to a first, second, and third place winner in each of the eight photo categories, in the two age groups (13-17 years) and (18-35 years).
  • Video Category: Prizes will be given to a first, second, and third place winner in each of the two age groups (13-17 years) and (18-35 years).
  • Music Video Category: First prize: the winning entrant and a guest will spend one day with MTV editors in London OR New York to help prepare their winning video for transmission on the MTV “Voices” platform.Prizes will be given to second and third place winners. Participants in the music video competition must be 18 to 35 years old to enter.
  • TerrAfrica Podcast Story Category: The top two winners will be invited to attend the United Nations Conference on Climate Change/COP 18 in Doha, Qatar to cover the events for TerrAfrica Green Radio. Second and Third prizes will be given to up to 14 winners.
  • People’s Choice Award: One winner, determined by the greatest number of online votes, will be given the People’s Choice Award.

The deadline for entries for the Voices4Climate Photo/Video/Music Video Competition is 11:59pm EST, October 15, 2012. An entry is timely only if received before this time. The time of transmittal will not be dispositive.

For more information about the competition and rules, Visit the Voice4Climate Webpage.


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