The Young African Research Arena (YARA) hereby introduces The Repository, an online open access mini-library containing academic papers written by African students from across the continent.
The Repository provides an opportunity for young African law students to
publish short research papers produced during their course of study or
based on ‘curious’ research.
It encourages students to conduct, document and publish analytical papers on legal and policy issues.
Papers submitted to The Repository should be between 2000 (minimum) and 4000 (maximum) words long and should contain footnotes with full references (name of author(s), title of work, date of publication, name
of publisher).
How to Submit
Submissions should be sent to with the
subject line: Submission, The Repository.
The papers submitted for publication in The Repository are reviewed by a
team of editors, and the best papers are selected by each editor, based on
the following criteria:
1. Originality
2. Grammar and Structure
3. Communication of a Coherent Idea
In December, 2013, the writer of the best paper submitted between the period September, 2013, and December, 2013, will be given a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus.
Because we have a limited number of editors, papers will be reviewed for
publication on a first come first served basis.
For more information, visit
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