The Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (EP-NUFFIC) offers fellowships to participate in training courses in The Netherlands. The aim is to promote capacity building within organisations in eligible countries via training and education for professionals. This is initiated and (almost) fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget for development cooperation.
A new fellowship application round opens on the 23rd of August 2016 ! The training courses for which you can apply are:
- Integrity and anti-corruption (6 – 17 March 2017)
- Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance (27 March – 7 April 2017)
- Le Développement économique local (8 – 19 May 2017, the language of instruction will be in French!)
The training courses for which one can apply for a fellowship are:
- Integrity & Anti-corruption (6 – 17 March, 2017)
This training focuses on the complexities of corruption, its root causes and the impact on society. The course introduces participants to different examples of institutional reforms and anti-corruption measures. Furthermore, participants discuss integrity dilemmas from their own working practice. They get familiarised with the Dutch landscape of Integrity as well as examples of policies to improve the integrity of an organisation’s workforce.
- Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance (27 March – 7 April, 2017)
This course discusses basic principles of good governance, accountability and civil participation. Participants will explore possibilities to engage citizens in the policy and decision making process with a special focus on marginalised groups. They will discuss a.o. the participation ladder, the accountability chain, do’s and don’ts in participation processes and the role of the media.
In order to qualify for a NFP Scholarship, you need to meet the following selection criteria. You must:
- be a national of, and working and living in one of the 51 countries on the NFP country list;
- not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff-development, for example:
multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft),
large national and/or a large commercial organisations,
bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid),
multilateral donor organisations, (e.g. a UN organization, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB),
international NGO’s (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care); - must have an official passport that will still be valid for at least three months after completion of the training;
- must not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time;
- English Language skills: The short courses are taught in English. Therefore, it is important that your English language skills (writing and speaking) are good.
- Work experience: Minimum of 2 years of experience required, working with or for local or regional authorities. It is to your advantage if the work/experience is related to the content of the training.
Application Procedure:
in English:
In French:
If you have any questions, please email at
For More information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the 2017 Nuffic Fellowships for Training Courses