Deadline: November 25 2013
Student Entrant : December 13 2013
The Bournemouth University’s Media School, hereby seeks applications for the fourth annual New Media Writing Prize.
The New Media Writing Prize encourages and promotes the best in new media writing, and is leading the way toward the future of the ‘written’ word and storytelling.
New media is a broad term for communicating information dynamically and interactively. It is the amalgamation of traditional media such as films, images, music and the written word but with interactive features. Interactivity is enabled through digital means such as computer programs, games consoles, computer hand-held devices, communication technologies and the internet.
Interaction such as online multi-player gaming and social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and Wikis) for example, allow users to behave actively instead of passively through creative participation, feedback and community formation.
Anyone can apply! Whether you’re a student, a professional, an artist, a writer, a Flash designer or an enthusiast, the competition is open to all. It’s also an international competition, open to all outside the UK.
There are three categories/prizes –
- Overall Winner: £1000 donated by if:book UK
- Student Winner: a 3-month work placement at leading e-learning company Unicorn Training, in Dorset, UK. The winner will be paid £250 a week. The timing of the placement will be negotiated between the winner and Unicorn.
- People’s Choice: voted for by the public, prize of £250
There will also be substantial media coverage of the Award, and winners will be given full acknowledgement in all press releases and related material.
- Good storytelling (fiction or non-fiction) written specifically for delivery and reading/viewing on a PC or Mac, the web, or a hand-held device such as an iPad or mobile phone. It could be a short story, novel, documentary or poem using words, images, film or animation with audience interaction. Interactivity is a key element of new-media storytelling.
- Creativity, so try to be imaginative to create an engaging story i.e. combining any number of media elements, such as words on a screen combined with images and video clips. New media writing can be created using a variety of tools i.e. a word processor, DV camera, social networking tools (i.e. Twitter), mobile phone/s, a scanner – anything goes!
How to Submit an Entry:
- To submit his/her entry each entrant must do the following by Monday November 25th 12noon GMT, or if a Student entry, by Friday December 13th at 12 noon GMT:
- Send an email to including the valid URL address of the entrant’s work for entries accessible on the Internet; or
- Send an email to including the explanation of how the panel can access the entrant’s work for entries which can only be viewed on a mobile phone or another electronic device;
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the New Media Writing Prize
Check Out the Competition Rule for the 2013 New Media Writing Prize