Application Deadline: February 17th 2017
The Technical Assistance Unit of Med Culture, a Regional Programme funded by the European Union, is launching a call for participation in a regional training of trainers programme (ToT) which takes place on 21-24 April 2017, and will include workshops and distance mentoring. This initiative will focus on “Advocacy for Culture”, identified as the main theme of Med Culture programme for 2017.
Following a number of activities developed by Med Culture, higher education and training in cultural management and policies, emerged as one of the main priorities in the region today. To tackle this issue, Med Culture is launching a call for participation in a Training of Trainers Programme.
This Training of Trainers Programme aims at understanding and exploring adult learning and providing the skills to design and deliver an educational programme (training/seminar/workshop) that’s appropriate to a chosen context. This initiative also aims at creating a particular community of practice in the region around teaching and learning in the cultural management and cultural policy field. The content described below is indicative and might be subject to amendments based on the participant’s needs/contribution, and on the spot developments.
Program Details:
A blended learning, Training of Trainers Programme addressing a combination of topics:
- establishing the purpose of educational programmes (trainings/seminars/workshops) and their learning outcomes
- understanding one’s own learning experiences and preferences and adapting to other ways of learning
- learning as an on-going, lifelong process
- facilitating a learning environment
- monitoring and evaluating of educational programmes
- developing advocacy initiatives as a form of learning process
- integrating culture to address migration issues, radicalisation, artists’ freedom of expression, and youth employability
It will also include sessions about motivating and energizing people, effective group work, facilitation skills, and learning as a capacity to adapt and make the best use of changes.
This ToT programme includes
- one main workshop (4 days excluding travel), taking place in Rabat in April 2017 (for 30 participants), addressing the main issues related to training of trainers – design and delivery
- a second workshop (3 days), taking place in Tunis in July 2017 (open for 10 participants only, based on the projects elaborated by the participants in the interval after the first workshop.
- distance online mentoring sessions
- homework
30 people from South Mediterranean countries, aged between 25 and 45 years at the time of application.
- University teachers, interested in/teaching topics connected to the arts, to cultural management and cultural policies, as well as sustainable development
- Trainers/facilitator working in the field of the arts and culture, advocacy and sustainable development
- Junior and mid-career cultural practitioners who are interested in developing training skills in the above topics as part of their continuing career development (at least six places will be guaranteed for applicants under 30).
The selected candidates are expected to be fully committed to this programme, including participation at 1 or 2 workshop(s), preparation of homework based on a personal/organizational project, participation in distance mentoring to implement said project. Participants of previous activities organised by Med Culture are encouraged to apply to this call. At least 6 places will be kept for participants under 30.
Selection process
The selection jury is composed of experts including one member of Med Culture team. The candidates are selected based on the submission of:
- a CV (2 pages)
- a motivation letter explaining their interest in joining this programme, the objective they plan to achieve or develop, and how this training will impact their organisation/local context (1 page)
- an educational programme (training/seminar/workshop) to design and deliver, or a pitch for an advocacy project (1 page). Proposals addressing culture to deal with migration issues, fight against radicalisation, promote artists’ freedom of expression, foster youth employability and contribute to sustainable development are particularly welcome.
Selection criteria
Candidates should:
- have a strong command of Arabic. Knowledge of French OR English is a requirement.
- work in the academic or training field, in the cultural field, or in connected fields (sustainable development, tourism, social inclusion, employment, human rights, civil society empowerment etc.) within civil society/cultural organisations, the public sector, or as freelancers.
- be available and commit to participate in the programme
- be residents in one of the involved countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. Candidates with Syrian or Libyan nationality who come from the civil society sector and who reside in their country or elsewhere are also eligible.
- have some experience in designing and delivering a course or a training related to culture/the arts or related fields
- and/or have some experience in organizing and facilitating/moderating educational programmes (seminars/workshops or other formats) dealing with culture/the arts or related fields
- and/or show a strong interest/commitment in developing their training/facilitating/advocating skills
- and show willingness to self-direct their own learning
Travel and accommodation expenses are taken in charge by Med Culture
Application process
Send your application in ONE file of 4 pages maximum including:
- CV in French, English or Arabic (education, current activities, etc.), with your full name as it figures in your passport, your birth date and country, as well as your current email and telephone number (2 pages max)
- Motivation letter explaining your interest in participating in this programme
- A project you would like to develop:
- either a training session
- or an educational programme you would like to deliver
- or the pitch of a subject you would like to advocate for
(See topics mentioned in Selection Process)
Your application must be submitted in one file of maximum 4 pages in Arabic, French or English to send to: and to
For inquiries please contact
Results will be announced on 6, March 2017.
Selected candidates will be informed by e-mail.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Med Culture Training of trainers Programme 2017