Application Deadline: July 12 2013
The Learn4Work program supports improved labour-market oriented vocational education in Africa. With funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Learn4Work provides co-financing, training and advice to partnerships between Dutch and African organizations that lead to substantial and sustainable income for youth in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Learn4Work will thus contribute to enhanced food security and economic development in Africa.
The long-term, overall objective of Learn4Work is to contribute to substantial and sustainable income for youth/young people, and particularly those who are marginalised for one reason or the other.
The main emphasis of the call is on access to improved quality vocational education that ensures its relevance for and outflow to the labour market in 4 African countries. The implementation should be conducted in an international, multisectoral (public-private) partnership construction. The results of the project need to contribute to food security in its broadest sense.
Countries of implementation
Projects need to be implemented in one of the following countries:
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Rwanda
Partnerships consist of at least 4 partners from the implementing countries and from the Netherlands:
- One African private sector actor.
- One African TVET provider (formal or non-formal).
- One Dutch actor with experience in development cooperation.
- One Dutch actor with particular expertise related to the demand from the southern partners.
Key eligibility criteria:
- Demand from local labour market related to the TVET providers is central.
- Clear link between private sector organization and TVET provider in the project country.
- Project contributes to food security in its broadest sense.
- Commitment to document, develop concepts, and share experiences with Learn4Work network and beyond.
Applicants are encouraged to submit concept notes that address one or more of the following themes:
- Agriculture
- Automotive industry/auto mechanics
- Tourism & Hospitality
Value and duration:
- A total amount of € 900.000 from Learn4Work fund is available for the second call.
- Minimum total project budget € 50.000.
- Maximum contribution from Learn4Work per project is € 175.000.
- Learn4Work contributes to a maximum of 34% of the total project budget. A total own contribution of 66% is required.
- Audit requirement.
- Project duration is minimal 12 months and maximum 36 months.
For further information contact Claudia van Hilten (project assistant Learn4Work) at or +31 (0)33 460 60 10.
Guidance in Ghana
Learn4Work has set up temporary assistance in this matter through Erica Burggraaff. She is available in the months ahead to inform interested parties and to provide support by developing proposals. She will also assist Learn4Work in establishing a local coordinator.
Any questions you have concerning Ghana, you can email to:
She can also be reached by phone (Ghana) +233 24 035 5902. (between 8 en 10 am.)
Submit your proposal and annexes by mail via