DIV looks for compelling new development solutions in a year-round competition, rigorously tests them, and helps scale those that are proven successful to reach millions of beneficiaries around the world.
DIV is interested in innovations that are expected to lead to transformative (as opposed to incremental) improvements that could ultimately scale across multiple developing countries and, ideally, multiple sectors in these countries. DIV recognizes that development breakthroughs can come from anywhere—a lab in a university, a local organization, or a passionate entrepreneur.
Solutions range from new technologies and new service-delivery practices to novel or more cost-effective variations on existing practices. Innovations are expected to eventually scale up through the private sector, the public sector, or a combination of the two in order to reach sustainability without DIV support.
DIV invests in ideas across different stages of their development from proof-of-concept to widespread use. Applicants can apply to any stage:
Stage 1: establishes proof of concept and initial testing
Stage 2: tests solutions and positions them for scale (stage 1 criteria previously met with DIV or other support sources)
Stage 3: transitions proven solutions to scale (criteria of stages 1 and 2 previously met with DIV or other support sources)
Funding Opportunities:
Together with DIV’s partners from USAID, the U.K. Department for International Development, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the program has also identified target sectors and regions for additional funding support: the Humanitarian Sector; the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene sector; Latin America & the Caribbean region; and Haiti. If your idea fits these areas within DIV, please see their pages for more information:
- The DIV application process consists of two steps.
- Applicants must first submit a Letter of Interest (LOI).
- After a competitive review process described below, DIV will request that selected applicants submit a Full Application.
- More detail can be found in DIV’s guiding document, the Annual Program Statement,
- Additional questions may be sent to [email protected].
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the USAID Development Innovation Ventures