Application Deadline: 5pm (BST), Friday 11 September 2015
This grant provides support for ecologists in Africa to carry out innovative ecological research. The BES recognises that ecologists in Africa face unique challenges in carrying out ecological research and this grant is designed to provide them with support to develop their skills, experience and knowledge base as well as making connections with ecologists in the developed world.
Eligibility and Conditions
Applicants must:
- be a scientist and a citizen of a country in Africa or its associated islands,
that is a ‘low-income economy’ or ‘lower-middle-income economy’ according to the
have at least an MSc or equivalent degree
- be working for a university or research institution in Africa (including field centres, NGOs, museums etc.) that provides basic research facilities
- carry out the research in a country in Africa or its associated islands
The proposed work must be completed within 18 months
- The maximum value of a grant is £8,000 for research. An additional sum up to £2,000 may be requested to fund travel to help grantees develop connections with other ecologists outside their usual peer group.
- Travel funds are available for the applicant to spend time working with ecologists in developed countries where facilities and experience will help the grantee on return to their own institution.
How to Apply:
- Applications will only be assessed once the online referee statement of support has been received from the applicant’s institution, and if applying for travel funds, from the overseas host institution.
- This referee statement should include why the project is important, what support will be given to the applicant and a statement that any equipment bought for the project will be made available for anyone in the host institution to conduct ecological research.
Applications for this grant must be made using the BES online application form.
IMPORTANT: Only complete questions 3, 3a and 3b if you are requesting additional travel funds (see above).
For More Information: