Application Deadline: 29 August 2016
The Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) Programme funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) will conduct a training course for African young researchers on effective research-to-policy communication for agricultural development.
The course is a collaboration between AgriFoSe2030 and The Gothenburg Center for Environment and Sustainability (GMV) at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
Course objectives
The objectives of the short training course are to:
1. Enhance understanding of the policy landscape, research policy linkages and different models for policy engagement and knowledge exchange;
2. Equip young researchers with hands-on tools and skills for effective research-to-policy communication;
3. Share experiences and lessons on best practices in communicating research outputs;
4. Strengthen national networks for policy influence in African agriculture.
Participants will be trained in mapping the policy landscape and stakeholders, different models and strategies for policy engagement, formulating a research-to-policy plan and policy briefs and presenting policy recommendations aimed at the desired target group.
The applicants must
• Be university lecturers or post-doctoral researchers currently affiliated with a university in sub-Saharan Africa;
• Have recently completed his or her Ph.D. in a field of relevance, within five years of the course date (no earlier than Jan 2011);
• Have a good record of scientific publications in the areas of agriculture, agroforestry, forestry, environment or any other similar area;
• Have experience or strong interest in knowledge exchange and communicating research outputs to policymakers for impact.
- The course is open to 30 young researchers working on agriculture and food security.
- 15 places will be available for the specialization in “Socio-economic dimensions” (Theme 1) and 15 places are allocated to the specialization in “Multifunctional landscapes” (Theme 2).
- The course will be held from 22-28 January 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya.
- The course is free of charge. Travel, lodging and meals will be covered by the AgriFoSe2030 Programme.
Application Procedure:
1. CV incl. current affiliation, academic specialisation and publication list (max 10 pages)
2. maximum 1-page letter describing i) your motivation to attend the course, and
ii) how you intend to use the knowledge and tools from the course in your policy
outreach work
3. state your preference for specialisation for the second half of the course in the
headline of your e-mail: Theme 1 (Socio-economic dimensions) or Theme 2 (Multifunctional landscapes)
Send your application to Claudia Deijl:
Deadline: 29 August 2016
Successful candidates will be notified by the end of September 2016.
For More Information: