Application Deadline: February 19th 2017
Do you want to be a part of an international network of emerging leaders focused on responsible leadership and sustainable business practices? Join the Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP) Africa.
The Swedish Institute Management Programme comprises three weeks of intensive training. The programme is divided into a two-day kick-off and two modules, spread out over a period of seven months.
SIMP Africa is partly funded by the Swedish Government and aims at emerging leaders from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Zambia. The programme curriculum revolves around advanced business-related problem solving, seminars and meetings with front figures in the commercial, political and cultural fields, as well as on-site company visits
Eligibility Requirements:
To apply to SIMP Africa you have to:
- Be in a senior position within trade, industry or the public sector with a minimum of five years of managerial experience
- Be in a position to drive decisions and have a mandate to influence the business strategies of your organisation
- Be interested in learning more about Corporate Responsibility as a tool for good management
- Be between 25-45 years old
- Have a good working knowledge of both written and spoken English
- Be a citizen of Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia or Zambia and a resident of one of the selected countries
Please note that we will not be able to make any exceptions to the eligibility requirements.
Accommodation, food and travel
- The programme is free of charge and costs related to accommodation, food and transport while in Sweden is covered by the Swedish Institute.
- For module 1, flight tickets to and from Sweden is also covered by the Swedish Institute.
- Kindly note that each participant is responsible for arranging and paying for their own air travel to and from the kick-off and for module 2, both which will take place in one of the selected countries in Africa.
- Participants are also responsible for costs related to transport within their own countries.
During the programme in Sweden all participants will be insured against acute illness and accident through the Swedish State Group Insurance and personal insurance by The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Service Agency (Kammarkollegiet).
Gains for the participant
- Increased understanding of the strategies behind sustainable business and responsible leadership and its links to business from an international perspective.
- Increased personal competitiveness on a global level.
- Access to the knowledge of top leaders in business and the public sector.
- International network of future top management.
Gains for the participating companies
- Exclusive management training of key personnel.
- Exposure to business opportunities in other markets.
- Positive international exposure of the company brand.
Application Procedure:
A complete application consists of:
- A complete application form in PDF format, in English, which is electronically filled out here.
- An updated CV in English
Please ensure that the application form in PDF format and CV reaches us by e-mail by February 19, 2017. Write your name and country in the e-mail’s subject line.
If you have any questions regarding the application form, please send an email to
If you have not heard from us by end of April you have not been accepted to SIMP Africa 2017. However, you are more than welcome to apply again for next year’s programme.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP) Africa.
1 comment
[…] emerging leaders with a shared interest in exploring 21st century business perspectives? Join the Swedish Institute Management Programme for change-makers focusing on lasting success through responsible leadership and sustainable business. The programme […]