Application Deadline: February 20th 2018
Beginning in 2017 with an inaugural cohort of 24 fellows from across eight countries, our African Visionary Fellowship offers capacity building designed for and by local visionaries themselves. Fellows receive mentorship, exposure, and the support of a community of like-minded changemakers.
AVF is a two-year fellowship program that brings together some of the most promising African leaders in the social sector in East Africa. Being a Fellow gives you access to the following:
• Two years of capacity-building support opportunities, such as coaching, mentorship, and specific technical assistance catered to your organization’s needs
• Promotion amongst SFF’s network of funder friends
• Stipends and access to international conferences and funder spaces (when possible)
• Access to a community of passionate, supportive, like-minded African leaders
Being a Fellow also means making a commitment to fully participate and contribute to the AVF
community. Upon acceptance into the Fellowship program, you agree to:
• Attend all three in-person AVF Summits in your first year of the Fellowship and two out of three of the Summits in your second year. In 2018, the Fellowship Summits are tentatively scheduled for early May, late July, and early October (leading up to SFF’s Annual Meeting)
• Regular communication and feedback to the SFF team to help improve the program
• Remain open and willing to collaborate, learn and support other Fellows
• Ensure that the learning and capacity-building support provided through the Fellowship is applied within your organization and team
• Commit to help mentor first-year Fellows when you become a second-year Fellow
• You are an African national.
• You are the top leader and primary decision-maker of your organization.
• You care deeply about the community you work in and are passionate about the issues your work addresses. Your work is a vocation, not just a job.
• You have deep contextual knowledge of the location and community within which you work.
• You can demonstrate that your work has potential to lead to improvement in the lives of the
communities and individuals they serve, especially youth.
• You think big and address old problems in new ways, demonstrating innovation in your approach.
How to Apply:
- If you believe you are a fit based on the above criteria, please fill out the application form no later than February 20th, 2018.
- At the end of the application form, you will be asked to upload one recommendation letter from within your organization or board.
- Any questions about the Fellowship or the application process should be directed to [email protected].
- The 2018 Cohort of Fellows will be announced in early March.
- Download Application Guideline
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Segal Family Foundation African Visionary Fellowship 2018