Call for Applications Peace, Security and Development Fellowship for African Scholars Including M.Sc. Security, Leadership and Society
Application Deadline: 17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April 2013.
Apply At: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/apply/
The African Leadership Centre (ALC) was established in June 2010 as a joint initiative of King’s College London and the University of Nairobi. The ALC is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars starting in September 2013
This Fellowship covers an 18-month period, comprising of a rigorous training programme on peace, security and development, which includes a 12 – Month Master’s (M.Sc.) programme at King’s College London and an attachment to an African University to undertake an independent research project.
The Fellowship programme is designed to expose junior African scholars to the complexities of Security and Development issues facing the African continent. The Carne gie Corporation of New York has provided funding for this programme.
The ALC aims to build a new community of leaders generating cutting edge knowledge on peace, security and development. To this end, the ALC undertakes to do the following:
Create an enabling environment for ideas that are grounded in African realities;
Provide space for interaction with role models;
Build capacity for independent thinking;
Expand the knowledge base to develop transformational ideas for meaningful change;
Create opportunities to transfer knowledge to achieve multiplier effects
for communities;
Connect with processes nationally, regionally and globally, especially in the field of peace and security; and
Build lasting partnerships that will maintain an African-led visionof change.
Applicants to the Fellowship Programme must make individual successful applications to the
M.Sc. Security, Leadership and Society.
By 17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April 2013.
The programme seeks to nurture junior African Scholars interested in pursuing a career in Peace, Security & Development, and to equip them with the skills necessary to achieve this. Through taught courses as well as rigorous mentoring activities, the programme will accomplish the following objectives:
1. Increase the pool of African experts in the area of peace, security and development working to generate African-led ideas to address the security and development challenges on the continent.
2. Foster studies on Peace and Security issues within African institutions of higher learning, and ensure that academic institutions have better access to knowledge and expertise on these issues.
3. Inject skills within regional and national centres of excellence so that they can strengthen their research capacity on peace, security and development topics with independent and critical approaches.
4. Contribute to expertise on peace and security that is grounded in the pursuit of excellence and integrity.
- In order to be considered eligible, candidates must have citizenship in an
African country.
- Successful candidates must hold valid travel documents prior to acceptance.
- The competition is open only to junior faculty members based in universities in Africa from departments of political science; international relations; history, law, development studies, peace, security and conflict studies, and related departments.
- Candidates need to demonstrate an interest in pursuing careers in the field of Peace, Security and Development. Previous study or engagement with the issues of Security & Development is not required but
- Candidates must demonstrate a basic familiarity with these issues. Candidates must additionally be able to demonstrate that they are committed to contributing to work on peace and security in Africa.
- Candidates will be expected to have a clear plan on how to utilise knowl edge gained in the Fellowship up on returning to their countries and academic institutions.
- Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English.
- Candidates must be able to demonstrate the following values during the application phase:
Independent thinking;
Pursuit of excellence; and a value for all forms of diversity.
Programme Activities
The Programme is divided into two phases:
Phase 1: The first phase consists of a 12-month training programme
based at King’s College London. This phase will comprise of regular group ment
oring sessions with renowned academics, policy analysts and practitioners as well as a taught Master’s programme in Security, Leadership and Society, which will be taught at King’s College London.
For a large part of this phase, Fellows will be based at King’s College London, with the African Leadership Centre (ALC) in London .
In addition Fellows will spend brief periods at the Africa Leadership Centre,
Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars 2013– 2014 Academic Year
Nairobi and Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi,
where they will be required to undertake research and deliver research papers on peace, security and development in Africa.
Institutional Visits: During the 12- month period at King’s College London, Fellows will undertake visits within and outside the UK to academic, policy and resea
rch institutions working on issues of Peace, Security & Development
Phase 2:
For the second phase, Fellows will be attached to select partner universities in Africa, for a period of 6months. During this time Fellows will work as faculty members and contribute to academic and policy research among other activities.
This phase is designed to encourage the dissemination and exchange of ideas on the issues that were studied during the first phase of the programme.
During both phases, Fellows will have access to the programme’s network of mentors, in the form of regular group mentoring and training on key thematic issues. One-on-one mentoring sessions will also be encouraged, so as to help guide students through the programme.
Research Project :
Up on returning home to their universities after the attachment phase, Fellows will be expected to conduct a research project on a key aspect of Peace, Security & Development, and to produce a research report and a policy brief from their research .
These policy briefs will be published and disseminated amongst institutions of higher learning in the region. This phase of research and writing will last for 6 months.
Terms of the Fellowship
1) Application to King’s College London :
Successful applicants will have the status of full time MS.c. students in Security, Leadership and Society . It is necessary for applicants to the Fellowship Programme to make individual successful applications to the M.Sc. Security, Leadership and Society by 17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April 2013.
Details of the MSc Security, Leadership and Society
can be found at this link:
You can make an on -line application at this link:
2) Student Visas : All international students at King’s College London will be subject to the immigration rules of the UK, which can be found on the King’s College London web page for obtaining student visas:
The offer of a place on the programme will be subject to successful candidates obtaining a student visa. Failure to obtain a visa to enter the UK automatically invalidates the offer of a place on the programme with no consequences to King’s College London.
Responsibility for processing all visa applications rests solely with successful candidates. The implementing organizations will provide necessary documentation as needed.
3) Expectant/Nursing mothers : Given the intense nature of the programme including its short phases in different locations as well as necessary extensive travel, successful applicants that are expectant or nursing mothers while enc ouraged to apply, will be advised to defer their admission to the programme.
4) Medical Exam : Successful applicants will be required to undergo medical examinations at recommended venues prior to taking up their positions.
5) Programme completion/Return to base : The programme will last a total of 18 months. During phases 1 and 2, Fellows will be expected to make full time commitment to the programme. It is a condition that successful candidates shall return to their base or home countries at the end of the programme.
This is a fully funded opportunity, and funds will be made available to cover M.Sc
.tuition, subsistence in the U.K. and Africa, accommodation, research- related costs, and travel expenses related to the programme.
However, successful applicants are expected to find their own accommodation both in the U.K. and Africa.
In the U.K. successful candidates will be able to apply for University of London accommodation, and they can also make their own accommodation arrangements.
Candidates are strongly advised to make all necessary accommodation arrangements well in advance of taking up their positions at King’s College London. Information on KCL student accommodation can be found at this link:
The African Leadership Centre jointly with King’s College London and University of Nairobi,reserves the right to terminate the conferral of a fellowship, in the event of a breach in the Terms and Conditions of the programme.
Applications can be submitted in one of the following ways:
By e-mail or post to Dr. Eka Ikpe at [email protected] , or Dr. Eka Ikpe, African Leadership Centre, King’s College, London, Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand, London, WC2R 1HH, UK by
17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April, 2013:
Whether applying by email or post, the following documents are required, before your application will be considered complete:
A letter of application detailing your relevant experience and qualifications.
A supporting statement no longer than 1,000 words, detailing why you think that this programme is important and future plans for engagement with peace and security issues.
2 letters of recommendation (To be received directly from the Referees by the deadline of 17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April, 2013).
Recent curriculum vitae.
Two writing samples (maximum 3000 words each).
Please indicate in your application letter, if you have completed the University application (Note that you are required to submit your application to the
M.Sc. Security, Leadership and Society, King’s College London, as detailed above by the deadline of 17:00 hrs, Friday 19 April, 2013).
This project is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York
Please note that the funds are intended for individual Fellows only. It does not cover dependants and it is not intended to support family members .
Successful candidates will need to make alternative arrangements to cover the costs of dependants before arrival in the UK.
Under the UK Immigration laws, prospective applicants must satisfy the Home Office that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their dependents before arrival in the UK (taking into account the stipend to be provided by the Programme).
Please ensure all documents are sent in as MS Word attachments in a single
email message (separate emails for the same application will not be
accepted) or as a single post package and that your name is indicated at the top right hand corner of every page ofall documents submitted.
1 comment
hello,do u have dentistiry major in scolarship for national student in under graduate………………….