Microsoft Graduate Recruitment 2019 for young Kenyans Students & Recent Graduates

Application Deadline:unspecified

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Our culture is centered on embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. We believe we should each find meaning in our work and we ensure employees have the freedom and the reach to help make a difference in the world.


We are looking for candidates that have the following qualities:

  • Team Player: driving digital transformation with our customers is a team sport. We need teammates who can stay maniacally focused on our customers’ satisfaction while operating in a highly-collaborative, matrixed global organization.
  • Growth Mindset: your life is truly about learning-it-all. You approach every new piece of information, knowledge, and competency with insatiable curiosity. Ultimately, you’re open to the ideas of others, where the success of others does not diminish your own.
  • Resourceful: you have the drive to overcome any obstacle in your work.
  • Customer Focused: you learn about your customers and their businesses with a beginner’s mind and then bring solutions that meet their needs.
  • Pure Challenge: demonstrated desire and ability to readily take on complex challenges and work towards solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.
  • Passion for Technology: you’re deeply motivated by the incredible opportunity of how technology can inspire and ignite change and renewal.


Applications to this opportunity are considered depending on education level and/or location. To be considered as student / recent graduate, you should be:

  • Within 12 months of graduation or graduated within the last 12 months.
  • Up to 2 years of accumulated full-time professional experience.
  • Passion for the technology and innovation.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication, analytical and presentation skills.
  • English language fluency.

Benefits and Perks

  • Industry leading healthcare
  • Savings and investments
  • Giving programs
  • Educational resources
  • Maternity and paternity leave
  • Opportunities to network and connect
  • Discounts on products and services
  • Generous time away

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Microsoft Graduate Trainee Program 2019

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