Home Scholarships Makerere University MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program 2025/2026 for Undergraduate and Master’s Study in Uganda (Fully Funded)

Makerere University MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program 2025/2026 for Undergraduate and Master’s Study in Uganda (Fully Funded)

by OFA

Application Deadline: 6th June 2025,

Applications are now open for the 2025/2026 Makerere University MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. Makerere University is pleased to announce the second Cohort of [190] undergraduate and [11] Master’s scholarships through the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program for students joining Makerere University main campus in the Academic Year 2025/2026 under the Private Sponsorship Scheme.


To be eligible to apply for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University’s main campus, an applicant must belong to one of the following categories: Ugandan nationals, refugees, students with disabilities, internally displaced young people, or international students and fulfill the following conditions.

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University will provide 1000 scholarships for 10 years at both the undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) and graduate levels at the main campus. The scholarships are awarded to academically talented young men and women from Sub-Saharan Africa experiencing financial hardship to pursue university education.

A) Applicants for Undergraduate Degree Programmes

  • The applicant must have applied for admission to Makerere University’s main campus under the private sponsorship scheme for the academic year 2025/2026.

The Applicant must have either;

  • Completed their advanced secondary level education (or its equivalent) in an African country, or
  • Hold second class/credit diploma from any recognized institution (for Refugees only), or
  • Must have passed the mature age entry examinations of Makerere University for the Year 2023 and 2024 (for Refugees only)
  • The Applicant should be experiencing financial hardships.
  • The Applicant should not be a holder of any other scholarship, including the Government of Uganda Scholarship.
  • 5. The Applicant
  • should not have completed any undergraduate degree
  • Programme.
  • The Applicant should have demonstrated leadership potential and/or community service.
  • The Applicant should be 28 or younger at the application deadline.
  • Applicants under the categories of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), and Students with Disabilities should be 32 years of age or younger at the time of the application deadline
  • A refugee applicant must hold a Refugee Identity Card or Family Attestation.
  • Applicants in the Refugee Host Communities category must have completed their secondary school education within those communities.
  • The applicant should have applied for any degree programmes prioritized under the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University main campus (please refer to the application form for a list of prioritized pro-grammes).

Applicants for Master’s Degree Programmes

Applicants for Master’s Degree Programmes

  • The applicant must have applied for admission to Makerere University’s main campus for 2025/2026.
  • The Applicant must have completed their undergraduate education in an African country.
  • The Applicant should be experiencing financial hardships.
  • The Applicant should not be a holder of any other scholarship
  • The Applicant should not be pursuing or have completed any Master’s degree studies.
  • The applicant should have demonstrated leadership potential and/ or community service.
  • The Applicant should not be over 35 years of age at the application deadline.
  • Applicants in the Refugee and Students with Disabilities categories should be under 40 years of age at the application deadline.
  • A refugee applicant MUST hold a Refugee Identity card or Family Attestation.
  • The applicant should have applied for any degree programmes prioritized under the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (please refer to the application form for a list of prioritized programmes).

Application Procedure

  • Prospective applicants for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University’s main campus can access and complete the application form at no cost through the Online Application Portal (https://apply.mastercardfoundation.mak.ac.ug/scholarships)
  • Deadline for Submission of Application: The application submission deadline is Friday, 6th June 2025, at 11:59 PM EAT.
  • For inquiries or clarifications, please call our office line 0326-662-260 or mobile line +256 700-716-128 or email: info@mastercardfdn.mak.ac.ug

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Makerere University MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program

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