Home Call for Applications Joint WHO-AFRO/TDR/EDCTP Small Grants Scheme 2017 for implementation research on infectious diseases of poverty

Joint WHO-AFRO/TDR/EDCTP Small Grants Scheme 2017 for implementation research on infectious diseases of poverty

by OFA

Application Deadline: 17 November 2017

Only applicants from the WHO African Region eligible

This call is for applications for implementation research that can cover a range of diseases, conducted through close collaboration between researchers and national disease programmes.

The aim of this call is to strengthen capacity for implementation research conducted through close collaboration between researchers and national disease programmes. Diseases covered include malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhea, lower respiratory tract infections, yellow fever, and neglected tropical diseases. Implementation research activities supported by this call may be complementary to those supported through other stakeholders interested in these diseases.

The focus is on the following priorities, with illustrative research areas below. Note that this is not an exclusive list of submission possibilities:

  • Community case identification and management of illnesses including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhea, lower respiratory tract infections, yellow fever, and neglected tropical diseases
  • Community involvement in the delivery of health interventions
Eligibility criteria
  • Applicants must be based in African institutions, including national tropical/communicable disease control programmes, ministries of health, academic institutions, research institutes; and non-governmental organizations.
  • Applications are particularly encouraged from qualified applicants who are in the earlier career stages, are women, or are from the group of least-developed countries.
Selection process
  • Proposals will be selected on a competitive basis by external reviewers and WHO staff in the WHO African Region (AFRO), EDCTP and TDR. Scoring is based on scientific merit, the public health impact and the project implementation plans.
  • Principal investigators will be informed of the results within three months of the application deadline.
  • Funding will depend on obtaining ethical approval for the proposed research from relevant research ethics committees in AFRO and the target country.
  • Each application should be accompanied by a supporting letter from the ministry of health and from the institution indicating their interest in the project.
Funds: Up to US$15000 per grant. Co-funding from domestic or other sources is encouraged. Study duration: One year.
How to submit the application:
  • The completed application form should be signed by all investigators and submitted by e-mail to: [email protected]
  • Curriculum vitae of the principal investigator (PI) must not exceed one page. It should clearly indicate the PI’s affiliation and complete address (including telephone number and e-mail) , as well as affiliated institution(s). The full name of the PI ( with the family name underlined), sex, date of birth, nationality, qualifications and the nature of the applicant’s current and previous posts must be clearly stated.
  • The costing of the project must be included and expressed in US dollars.
  • Both the proposal and PI information can be submitted in English, French or Portuguese.
  • Any applicant who does not fully complete the prescribed proposal form will not be considered for funding.
  • All documents (proposal, ethical approval, budget, CV) must be combined into one PDF file in the Applicant’s name followed by SGS2017. For example, Dr John Smith’s application should be in pdf file called: SmithJ_SGS2017.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Joint WHO-AFRO/TDR/EDCTP Small Grants Scheme 2017 

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Salih Ibrahim ALtaib Sasa September 8, 2017 - 12:07 pm

I’m very happy for Application and I hope that you accept my application thanks

Dr Achenef Motbainor September 21, 2017 - 1:55 pm

I found that your call is timely especially for countries who are going to eliminate infectious diseases. I will apply for the call. Thank you

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