Home Contests Jersey Contemporary Photography Contest (Over £3,000 in cash Prize).

Jersey Contemporary Photography Contest (Over £3,000 in cash Prize).

by lanredahunsi

Submission Deadline: 16th September 2013


The Jersey Contemporary Photography Programme, a project hosted by the Société Jersiaise, St Helier, Jersey aims to promote contemporary photography through an ongoing programme of exhibitions, education and commissions. Archisle seeks to connect the archive and the contemporary and to enact visual discourses through photography on island experiences; islands of fact and of fiction, islands of the earth and islands of the mind.

The Brief: Interior / Exterior

It has often been said that the eyes are windows to the soul or that the face is an index of the mind. Portrait photographs, by extension, can be read as carrying these messages of the face. But are portraits not performance pieces, severed at conception from their subjects?

Such performances, nonetheless, are necessary for knowing and moving through the world. Portraits are, in a sense, photographers’ forensics in the search for fugitive selves and at the inner/outer junction of expression they must conduct their investigations.

In architecture and the natural world, artists have negotiated the border between the interior, a place of habitation, and the landscape beyond. ‘Places we live in and places we live by,’ material and mythical geographies.

As house is to home, ‘the one allows us to live our lives, the other gives meaning to our existence. As humans we require both.’ (Gillis, 2004). Portraits, places and spaces, as images, are subject to interchanges of function and of meaning. In 2013 the Archisle Project invites photographers to submit three images in response to: Interior / Exterior.

The Prize:

First Prize                         £2,000
Second Prize                    £1,000
Third Prize                        £500
Young Photographer       £300

Archisle #2 Open Photography Exhibition

Winning and selected photographs will be exhibited at the Berni Gallery, Jersey Arts Centre, St Helier, Jersey from 18th November to 7th December 2013 and online at: www.archisle.org.je.

Postal Submissions

Postal submissions should be accompanied by a completed Entry Form available here (PDF) following the Rules, Terms and Conditions available here (PDF).

Submissions by post can be delivered to: Archisle Open Call 2013, Société Jersiaise, 7 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4XW
Enquiries: archisle@societe-jersiaise.org or telephone: +44(0)1534 758314

Please ensure that all online & postal entries follow the guidelines stated in the Rules, Terms and Conditions.

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