Home Call for Applications Investing in Africa i3 Program 2022 for e-health Startups ($USD 50,000)

Investing in Africa i3 Program 2022 for e-health Startups ($USD 50,000)

by OFA

Application Deadline September 5, 2022

The pan-African “Investing in Innovation” i3 program, supported by the Gates Foundation, will give 30 African e-health startups each year access to a regular grant of $50,000 USD, market and federal govt access events across the region, and connections to a top-tier global ecosystem in the healthcare industry.


  • Companies must fulfill all five criteria to be eligible to be reviewed.
  • Company serves Africans
  • Company is owned, led, operated by Africans
  • Company is in Early or Growth stage
  • Company is offering services in health product distribution or plans to offer services in the short term (2-3 months)
  • Company business model demonstrates improvements in one or more of the following public health impacts: quality, availability, affordability, accessibility, visibility of key health products in Africa


  • If you are an African entrepreneur creating a solution to a health product distribution challenge in Africa, i3 invite you to apply for the 2022 cohort.
  • You stand the chance of receiving a $50,000 grant as well as access to leading donors, industry and institutional players who will support introductions to customers.
  • Up to 30 companies will be selected this round.



I3 connects innovators to leading local and international industry players as well as to financing, donors, and governments – in an attempt to help companies establish partnerships, pilot projects, contracts and investment.

I3 provides systematic grants of $50,000 to all participating startups for investments in commercialization and impact.


i3 provides participating startups with tailored investment readiness support, delivered by leading innovation experts at CCHub, Startupbootcamp AfriTech, Villgro Africa and IMPACT Lab.


  • 21st July 2022: DEADLINE FOR QUESTIONS
  • 14th August 2022 | 21st August 2022 (South Africa only)
  • APPLICATIONS CLOSE: 5th September 2022
  • COMPLETE DUE DILIGENCE: 19th September 2022

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Investing in Africa i3 Program 2022

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