Home Call for Applications ICMR/AU-STRC Health Practitioners and Researchers Capacity Building Scheme 2020 for African health practitioners and researchers (Fully Funded to India)

ICMR/AU-STRC Health Practitioners and Researchers Capacity Building Scheme 2020 for African health practitioners and researchers (Fully Funded to India)

by OFA

Application Deadline: February 29th 2020

The African Union Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (AU-STRC) hereby wishes to inform you of the ICMR/AU-STRC Health Practitioners and Researchers Capacity Building Scheme designed to build the capacity of African health practitioners and researchers.

Interested African health practitioners and researchers are invited to apply for a series of Training to be held at ICMR Institutes in India. 

Selection Criteria
a. The Applicants must be a national of one of the African Union Member States and
resides in Africa at the time of Application and commencement of the training;
b. The Applicant should be working in Health Research centers or Health Facilities within Africa;
c. Knowledge of Spoken/Written English is essential;
d. The Applicants should not be more than 55 years old as on last day of submission of application;
e. The Applicants must satisfy the course eligibility criteria they apply for;
f. Must have a valid international travel document and vaccination card;
g. Must never being convicted of any crime.


Successful applicants would be sponsored for the training.

The individual availing this training would be addressed as an ICMR /AU-STRC
International Fellow.
b. The training will be conducted in English;
c. The Fellow will be entitled to a stipend of Rs.2, 500/- per day.
d. Subsidized institutional guest-house accommodation will be provided to the trainee during his/her sanctioned period of training.

e. The Fellow will be entitled to air travel (both ways) in economy class excursion air fare by shortest route.
f. The Fellow should have the valid visa and overseas health insurance cover (both are to be obtained by him/her) before coming to India. The cost of visas and overseas health insurance cover are not refundable.
g. The Fellow should submit a final work report (within 4 weeks after completion of
training) on the training undertaken in the Indian laboratory/institute. (as per Format),
h. A final report evaluating the performance of the Fellow by the Head of the Indian
institute should also be submitted. (as per Format)

The ICMR/AU-STRC Health Sciences Cooperation is developed in response to the outcome of the landmark India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) III, October 2015 that was hosted by the Honourable Prime Minister of India.

This cooperation is set up to leverage resources through innovative inter-disciplinary, multi-sectoral partnerships to capitalize on regional diversity and complementary strengths to enable and nurture an ecosystem that has a strong impact on transforming the health standards of the population.

To guide and institutionalize this cooperation, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the African Union Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (AU-STRC) on the 27th March, 2019. To this effect, ICMR/AU-STRC Health Practitioners and Researchers Capacity Building Scheme is designed to build the capacity of approx. 400 African health practitioners and researchers over a period of 3 years.

To achieve this scheme’s objectives ICMR in collaboration with AU-STRC has embarked on training of the African researchers at some of the ICMR institutes in India.

Important Note:
Please see guidelines, course details and eligibility for courses, selection criteria, format of application, and other details on how to apply by logging on to website of ICMR: http://www.icmr.nic.in and website of AUSTRC www.austrc.org

The soft copy of the application forms and any other supporting documents should be submitted to AU-STRC via email: austrc@africa-union.org and copied to: africanunionstrc@gmail.com

The email should have the subject: Application for 1st Call of the 2020 Capacity building Scheme and the Code of the Course you are applying for.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 29th February, 2020

N.B: Those who benefitted from the scheme last year are requested not to re-apply.


Download Application Deadline

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the ICMR/AU-STRC Health Practitioners and Researchers Capacity Building Scheme 2020

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