Application Deadline: 1600 hrs (Brunei time) on 28 February 2018.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is pleased to invite applications for the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship under the above Scholarship Award Scheme for the 2018/2019 academic session.
Tenable in Brunei Darussalam, the scholarship award provides applicants with the opportunity to study at any one of the following institutions of higher education:
· Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD),
· Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA),
· Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) and
· Politeknik Brunei (PB).
The academic year commences July/August 2018.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applications are open to citizens of, but not limited to, ASEAN, Commonwealth and OIC member countries.
- Applicants should be nominated by their Government.
- Applicants must be certified to be medically fit to undertake the scholarship and to study in Brunei Darussalam, by a qualified medical practitioner who is registered with any Government Authority(ies) prior to arrival in Brunei Darussalam. Any and all costs incurred in obtaining this certification are to be borne by the applicant.
- Applicants must be, between the ages of 18-25 for undergraduate and diploma programmes and must not exceed the age of 35 for postgraduate programmes on the 31st July 2018.
- The award is NOT eligible to Brunei Darussalam Permanent Residents.
Programmes offered, entry qualifications and any further information are available from the following websites:
i) Universiti Brunei Darussalam –
ii) Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali–
iii) Universiti Teknologi Brunei –
iv) Politeknik Brunei –
Scholarship Worth:
The scholarship recipient will be facilitated with the benefits of the scholarship as follows:
i) exemption from paying tuition fees including acceptance, examination, registration and orientation fees for the duration of the programme;
ii) an economy class air-ticket to Brunei Darussalam from the scholarship recipient’s country of origin/ country of domicile prior to the commencement of the course and an economy class air-ticket from Brunei Darussalam to the scholarship recipient’s country of origin/country of domicile upon completion of the course;
iii) a monthly personal allowance of BND$500.00;
iv) a monthly meals allowance of BND$150.00;
v) an annual book allowance of BND$600.00;
vi) accommodation at the residential college of the University/ Polytechnic;
vii) baggage allowance for shipment of the scholarship recipient’s personal effects to his country of origin/country of domicile upon completion of the programme, at a maximum amount of:
· BND$250.00 to a country within the ASEAN region; or
· BND$500.00 to a country outside the ASEAN region;
viii) comprehensive insurance cover for the whole duration of the Scholarship. The scholarship recipient is urged to obtain additional insurance prior to his travel to Brunei Darussalam and for the whole duration of the Scholarship at his own expense.
Application Procedure:
- Application forms can be downloaded from the following link:
Application forms must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for scholarships of the applicant’s country.
Applicants are required to also submit a security clearance statement from their National Security Agency(ies)/ Police Station (i.e. a statement/ report certifying that applicants are clear from any civil and criminal charges).
Completed application forms are to be emailed to the following address:
Applicants applying to Univeristi Brunei Darussalam must also complete an online application through
Incomplete application forms will not be considered.
The closing date for the reception of completed application forms, together with certified copies of relevant certificates and documents is, not later than 1600 hrs (Brunei time) on 28 February 2018.
For further enquiries please contact:
Technical Assistance Unit
Department of Administration
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Bandar Seri Begawan BD2710
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: +673 2261177 ext. 155
Fax: + 673 2261250
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2018/2019
Most of us Africans are quite grown since u have to work for a long time, gather money before you can further your education. Scholarships like this brings au so much joy but the cut off age for the master’s/graduate program take most us off though u may have a first class honours from your previous area of study. Thank you.
Comment:Hy , I am asking about scholarship and for me am from Uganda and I want a scholarship in Islamic banking and Sharia law
When open of scholarship ini Brunei country??
Please keep updated for fully funded masters scholarships in natural and life science fields as well as public health and medical science field. Thanks sir and God bless your good work
if you come a from french country like mali should you translate your papers in English
which agency is responsible for nominating applicants here in Nigerian, I want to submit my form to endorse.
the department of higher education in your state
Please how can get the course codes for both univeriti of technology and universiti of brunei darussalam? i want to start my application now, but i have no course codes for Masters in information security and master in computer science for the above university respectively.
Somebody should please help.
Thank you.
browse this link for more information
Comment:can I get the scholarship of degree of nurse in Brunei university
Hy madam I’m from East Timor very interest to apply this scholarship.
Please my name is Mohammed,i have applied for a passport which will be ready in two months,but i have all the other necessary requirements for the scholarship,can i still apply for the scholarship now and add the passport immediately its ready?
May Allah (S.W.A) help those who helps, keep helping and spend their life in helping those who needed help, and reward them with jannatul fiddaus as their final destination. AAMEEENNNNN
scholarship will be awarded on merit basis or some kind of test will be conducted
please #RICP
I have already apply for the scholarships provided by the government of brunei, and i wishing you all the best to be success together.
av u been given that scholarship.
Asalamu alaikum,we are kindly waiting for our reply from ubd,I’m Mohamed Barrie from Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa, thank you all for your help.
Comment:I have applied for the scholarship of Brunei but I have not heard anything from there till now.
I am Raza from Pakistan Kindly update for next undergraduate session can I endorsement my documents from ministry of foreign affairs Pakistan ?
Please I want to know whether the list of accepted candidates for this year has already come out
Please how do I apply for this scholarship
Please how can I apply for this scholarship I need your help/assist
Pls this form still exist
Hello am also concerned about the age limitations for postgraduate courses. I would like to enrol for a PhD… I’ve been lecturing for 15 years and am now 53 years… Is there no room for me in Brunei??
My name is Samson James Opolot. I also wonder if my experience and published experience would get me a part time job in any of your institutions. Thanks.
[…] Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to invite applications for the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship under the above Scholarship Award Scheme for the 2019/2020 academic […]
When I will get result?
This great opportunity for islamic students i hope to be one of these students that will come in darusalam if allah said
assalamun aleykum,i am mohammed i have sent my application very late do to documents scaning made us late i hope it may be seen. salam…
When can I get answer? I applied