Home Call for Applications Global Food Security Symposium 2018 Next Generation Delegation Program for Students Worldwide – Washington, DC. USA

Global Food Security Symposium 2018 Next Generation Delegation Program for Students Worldwide – Washington, DC. USA

by OFA

Application Deadline: Sunday, November 5th 2017

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is now accepting applications for the Next Generation Delegation from students to participate in the Global Food Security Symposium 2018. The symposium will be held on March 21-22, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Convened annually, the Global Food Security Symposium addresses the US government’s and international community’s progress on global food security and ensures that new challenges are met with action and innovation.

Since 2013, the Next Generation Delegation program has provided an opportunity for promising students to engage in symposium discussions and to interact with business and policy leaders, civil society, and social entrepreneurs working on agriculture, food, and nutrition issues.

With its focus on pathways to opportunity for the next generation, the 2018 symposium will offer key insights on how to leverage past successes, and invigorate future efforts amidst an evolving global landscape. This unique window of opportunity is a chance to help shape the next decade of leadership on global food security.

Candidate Opportunities

Next Generation Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • interact with symposium speakers and senior attendees in private forum;
  • network with other outstanding students planning careers in global food, agriculture, and nutrition sectors;
  • connect with key stakeholders from the public, private, and NGO sectors in private meetings; and
  • select delegates may also participate in symposium side events, panel discussions, or video interviews.

Other Engagement Opportunities:

We have two additional opportunities for exceptional applicants to participate in the symposium and related events.

Opting-in to consideration for either of these two programs does not undermine your chances of being selected as a Delegate, but does increase your chances for being selected to participate in the symposium.

Social Media Ambassadors play an integral role in supporting the Symposium via our digital platforms and driving engagement, outreach and dissemination in the lead-up to the event. The 2017 symposium reached over 68 countries around the globe and we look to our Social Media Ambassadors to expand that footprint even further this year. Ambassadors are expected to engage in—and drive—online symposium discussion by live-tweeting portions of the event, along with many of our global partner organizations and speakers. Ambassadors are expected to engage in—and drive—online symposium discussion by live-tweeting portions of the event, along with many of our global partner organizations and speakers.  This is a remote opportunity.

Rapporteurs will play an important role by attending working group “Solution Sessions” in Washington, DC, and capturing key themes and outcomes discussed at private working group sessions. Rapporteurs are responsible for covering all expenses (meals, air fare transportation, etc.). The aim of this position is to allow students to participate in the working groups and the symposium and to ensure that the proceedings and outcomes are clearly recorded and shared with participants for follow-up action. The Solution Sessions will be held on March 21, and rapporteurs will also be invited to the symposium on March 22.

Candidate Responsibilities

Next Generation Delegates are expected to:

  • Attend all symposium-related events in Washington, DC, on March 21-22, 2018. The Council will cover round trip airfare, accommodations, and meal expenses for Next Generation Delegates.
  • Prepare a commentary piece for the Global Food for Thought blog on food security, shocks to the global food system, and entrepreneurship and innovation, as it relates to their area of research focus and career trajectory.
  • Support social media outreach, which includes engaging your respective universities and disseminating information about the symposium, its featured report, and the live stream to your networks.
  • Contribute to and participate in the event’s social media plans and take on other responsibilities as required.
  • Participate in a private post-event debriefing session and complete an online evaluation of the event.

Candidate Criteria:

  • Students must be at the graduate or advanced undergraduate (third or fourth year) level studying agricultural development, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, or other food security related disciplines.
  • You must be a current student to be eligible.
  • Students must plan to enter the agriculture and food sector upon graduation.
  • International students and students studying at universities outside of the United States are strongly encouraged to apply.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Global Food Security Symposium 2018

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