Home Call for Applications GHR/OpenIDEO BridgeBuilder Challenge 2019 for Change Agents Worldwide (US$1 Million in Funding)

GHR/OpenIDEO BridgeBuilder Challenge 2019 for Change Agents Worldwide (US$1 Million in Funding)

by OFA

Application Deadline: August 17th at 5pm PST

BridgeBuilder invests in building and repairing unique bridges between people, organizations, issues, and beliefs to promote meaningful engagement and sustainable, community-led change. Over the past two years, the Challenge has sourced hundreds of radical new approaches to solve pressing global issues at the intersections of peace, prosperity, and planet.

In the 2019 Challenge, BridgeBuilder now seeks ideas that address the urgent and emergent needs of a global population directly impacted by a lack of peace, prosperity, and sound environmental conditions—people on the move.


Selected Top Ideas will:

  • Receive a share of $1 million in seed funding from GHR Foundation.
  • Join a BridgeBuilder cohort of innovative organizations working to address urgent needs.
  • Take part in a kick-off workshop, during which they will meet other social innovators and further design and build their approaches with tools and expertise from GHR Foundation and OpenIDEO.
  • Receive partnership support from GHR Foundation, potential connection to other funder networks, and media exposure.
Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria

Ideas are invited from individuals and teams currently or previously experiencing displacement as well as registered nonprofit, civil society, community-based, and for-profit organizations working anywhere in the world. If you are an individual or team without a registered organization, you are encouraged to post your idea early so the community management team can work to identify potential partners within the BridgeBuilder community.‍

  • Actionable and tangible: Idea must be actionable and build tangible results in the community of focus, rather than research, convenings, policy development, or advocacy.
  • Within scope: Idea must be implemented within a 36-month timeline and within a budget up to US $200,000.
  • Representative: Idea must show evidence that the voice and perspective of a person currently or previously experiencing displacement is part of the ideation, process, and project.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the GHR/OpenIDEO BridgeBuilder Challenge 2019

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