Home Contests Falling Walls Venture International Competition 2018 for science-based startups

Falling Walls Venture International Competition 2018 for science-based startups

by OFA

Application Deadline: June 30th 2018

Falling Walls Venture showcases the most promising research based start- ups from all over the globe. Nominated by renowned universities and lead- ing research institutions, 20 emerging companies pitch their breakthrough business models at a unique event that celebrates the vast entrepreneurial potential in science and fosters the community of scientist-entrepreneurs.

Each year, universities and research institutions from all over the world are called upon to nominate their most innovative science start-up. From all nominations, 20 pioneering young companies are selected to participate in Falling Walls Venture in Berlin. On November 8, the eve of the Falling Walls Conference (The International Conference on Breakthroughs in Science and Society), they join a fast-paced pitch event embedded in an exceptional event and networking experience. Introduced by their nominating institutions, the start-ups present their business models in just 5 minutes in front of a high-calibre jury who awards the most promising concept.

Falling Walls Venture is organised by the Falling Walls Foundation and generously supported by its global partners Siemens, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Evonik. The event is also supported by ASTP-Proton, as well as international partner universities and research institutions.


  • The winner, the Falling Walls Science Start-Up of the Year, gets the chance to present again on the grand stage of the Falling Walls Conference amongst Nobel laureates and other luminaries, and to an audience of 750 industry leaders, decision makers and international media representatives.
  • All participants receive access to exclusive networking functions and the Falling Walls Conference on the following day.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Falling Walls Venture International Competition 2018

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1 comment

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