Application Deadline: May 26, 2024
Which wall will your research break? Pitch your innovative idea in just 3 minutes, showcasing a breakthrough that creates a positive impact on science and society.
- WHO: Students and early-career professionals of all disciplines
- WHAT: Convince a jury of your idea – in 3 minutes!
- WHY: Join the growing Falling Walls community & win a trip to the global Falling Walls Lab finale in Berlin, Germany!
- WHERE Campus Université de Lomé
- QUESTIONS nicolas.leube@daad-lektorat.com | www.fb.me/daad.togo
- Presentation title: Breaking the Wall of… (45 character limit incl. Breaking the Wall of & spaces)
- Project field as well as subfield within project field (40 character limit incl. spaces)
- Please state the problem you plan to address (300 character limit incl. spaces)
- Please state your solution to the problem (300 character limit incl. spaces)
- Please describe your project in 2 sentences (300 character limit incl. spaces)
- Link to project website/video (if applicable)
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the FALLING WALLS LAB LOMÉ