Home Call for Applications Fak’ugesi Festival Digital Art Curator Bootcamp 2020 for African Creatives

Fak’ugesi Festival Digital Art Curator Bootcamp 2020 for African Creatives

by OFA

Application Deadline: July 28th 2020

A central development for Fakugesi Festival 2020 is an Africa-wide Digital Art Curator Bootcamp. This seven-day, online experiential bootcamp, aims to power up curatorial focus of curators, producers and advocates of digital creativity in Africa! The bootcamp will follow with an opportunity for participant curators and in an open call to send proposals for the commission of five online exhibitions in the #POWERTOTHEPIXEL focus.

“The focus will be on digital and interactive digital arts for online engagement. The bootcamp will be run with a select and stellar group of local, regional and international digital art and digital arts curators and we are extremely excited about launching this as part of our new online approach,” says Fak’ugesi Festival Director, Tegan Bristow


The 7 session (29 July – 6 August 2020, daily for 2 hours from 5-7 pm) online experiential bootcamp will power up your curatorial focus to develop an exhibition proposal for five Fak’ugesi Festival 2020 exhibition commissions. The focus is on digital and interactive digital arts for online engagement. The bootcamp will focus on honing your curatorial vision, enabling you in exhibition conceptualisation and narrative and conceptual planning, introducing you to digital exhibition design best practice and helping you sharpen your exhibition budgeting and production management skills.

By the end of the bootcamp you are to have a fully fledged proposal to submit for consideration in the Fak’ugesi Festival 2020 Exhibition Commission.

The intense five-day programme is designed and led by creative director, curator and experience designer Orlando Vincent Truter in collaboration guest curators and producers as contributors (see full list below).


Deadline: 28 JULY 2020 

Join our online digital art curator bootcamp to power up your curatorial talent and develop an exhibition proposal for the Fak’ugesi 2020 curatorial exhibition commission.

Apply using this >> APPLICATION FORM <<

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Fak’ugesi Festival Digital Art Curator Bootcamp 2020

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1 comment

Fak’ugesi Festival Digital Art Curator Bootcamp 2020 for African Creatives - Opportinuté afrcica July 20, 2020 - 7:23 am

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