Application Deadline: January 8, 2016:
This call for participants forms part of the project Capacity-Building in the Southern Mediterranean to Open Policy Dialogue and Monitoring for Women in Society – CSO WINS, funded by the Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility in the framework of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument of the European Union.
The objective of this project is to strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations (hereafter, CSOs) working for equality between women and men in the southern Mediterranean to actively and efficiently participate in the monitoring of policies concerning gender equality and women’s rights in the political,economic, social and cultural fields.
The project is implemented by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in partnership with the Association DJAZAIROUNA des victimes du terrorisme, the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, the Fédération de la Ligue démocratique des droits des femmes (FLDDF), the Forum Femmes Méditerranée, the Palestinian Businesswomen’s Association Asala, and the Réseau Universitaire et
Scientifique sur les Femmes et le Genre.
In this framework, a 6-day capacity-building workshop is scheduled from 4 to 9 of April 2016 in Morocco on advocacy and monitoring of the progress of women-related policies aimed at 36 representatives of organizations from the Euro-Mediterranean region.
There will be 24 representatives of CSOs which are willing to carry out advocacy actions, and 12 representatives of organizations that have developed good advocacy practices and that were selected in June 2015.
Eligibility Requirements
The beneficiaries must:
- Work on behalf of a not-for profit NGO in one of the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia;
- Hold a position of responsibility enabling them to make decisions and introduce new procedures and practices within the organization they represent;
- Represent an organization whose main objective is to promote gender equality and/or women’s rights,active in the field for at least three years before the publication of the call for participants;
- Represent an organization with a limited advocacy and monitoring capacity of gender equality-related policies and women’s rights and wishing to engage in actions of advocacy and monitoring of policies in this field;
- Represent an organization willing to actively engage in a network of organizations developing actions of advocacy and monitoring of gender equality-related policies in the southern Mediterranean;
- Commit to actively participate in all the activities scheduled to exchange with the representatives of other CSOs involved in the project, and to exploit the workshop’s contents in their daily work;
- Have a good command of Arabic or English or French.
The following are not eligible:
– Representatives of organizations engaged in proselytism and supporting political parties;
– Private individuals not linked to an organization working in favor of gender equality.
The candidates selected in the framework of the call for participants will have the opportunity to:
- Participate in a 6-day workshop conceived ad-hoc for the representatives of CSOs willing to engage in advocacy and policy dialogue in favor of gender equality in the southern Mediterranean;
- Access materials and resources useful to get into policy dialogue and advocacy in favor of equality;
- Contribute to the preparation of the strategic advocacy action plan of the organization they represent and implement a specific advocacy action if their organization is selected following the workshop ;
- Participate in peer learning exchanges, if the organization that they represent is selected following the workshop;
- Play an active role in the monitoring of gender equality-related policies thanks to dialogues with the policy authorities notably involving European policy-makers and other key actors (see point 1 of the call);
- Contribute to a dynamic networking and partnership process with representatives of organizations with similar advocacy objectives.
- The project will pay for the transport, accommodation and meals of the representatives of the 24 CSOs selected to participate in the workshop and other activities carried out in the framework of the CSO WINS project.
Moreover, the organizations selected to develop a specific advocacy action after the workshop will receive financial support for the implementation of this action.
Scheduled Activities
- Selection of the 24 representatives of CSOs: January 2016;
- Holding of the capacity-building workshop: 4 to 9 of April 2016;
- Preparation of strategic advocacy action plans by the 24 CSOs based on the outlines produced during the workshop, and selection of 8 action plans among the 24, in order to support their specific implementation: May – June 2016
- Implementation of specific advocacy actions by the 8 out of 24 CSOs that will be selected based on the strategic action plans previously developed and with the support of experienced CSOs (peer learning exchanges): from June 2016
- Dialogue with policy authorities (notably European policy-makers and other key actors) and preparation of a monitoring strategy of southern Mediterranean women-related policies in Tunisia: 2017.
Application Submission:
Interested candidates are invited to complete the online application form, in English, in French or in Arabic, before January 8, 2016 inclusive, on http://www.iemed.or/presentacio-en/liemed/convocatoria-de-propostes/convocatoria-de-participants-a-un-taller-
- Candidates who have difficulties completing the online form can send an email to: [email protected]
For More Information: