Home Algeria Cultures of Resistance Scholarships 2016 for Study in SOAS, University of London (£25,500 Worth)

Application Deadline: 17:00 (UK local time) on 24 February 2016

Thanks to a collaboration between the Cultures of Resistance Network, the SOAS Students’ Union, International Students’ House and the American Friends of SOAS (AFSOAS), two postgraduate scholarships are available in 2016-17 at SOAS, University of London.


  • Each scholarship is valued at £25,500 in total, funded by Cultures of Resistance and the SOAS Students’ Union. Fees will be deducted from this amount and the remainder will be used toward maintenance.
  • In addition, each scholar will benefit from free accommodation at International Student House (ISH) and some food vouchers to be spent in the ISH restaurant.
Eligible programmes

The following full-time programmes are eligible:

Candidate Criteria

Although priority will be given to students resident in Afghanistan, Burma/Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Kashmir, Kurdistan, the Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza), Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tibet, Western Sahara, Yemen, West Papua and Papua, the scholarship programme is also open to students resident in the following countries/territories:

Algeria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bir Tawil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chechen Republic, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, East Timor, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Golan Heights, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

  • Candidates must hold (or be expected to obtain) a good honours degree, preferably first class, from a UK institution or overseas equivalent.
  • Candidates should describe in their personal statement of their admission application:
  1. how the political situation in your home country, especially violent conflict, war, poverty, and/or military occupation, has shaped your experiences and ambitions in life.
  2. how these experiences have affected your interest in human rights, social justice, and grassroots democracy.
  3. what academic and social issues you plan to explore during your studies at SOAS.
  4. what you hope to do upon completion of your program at SOAS.
  5. what the most pressing problems are in your home country and how the pursuit of education at SOAS in your chosen field would promote human rights, social justice, equality, and the enrichment of civil society in your home country.
  • Candidates must have an offer of admission to pursue a full time eligible programme by the scholarship closing date.
  • Applicants must meet the English language condition of their offer of admission to study at SOAS as soon as possible but no later than 1 June 2016.  If your offer is conditional on English, please arrange your English test and ensure you meet the English requirements as soon as possible.

The scholarships will benefit people from countries that have been affected by wars and extreme poverty. This scholarship embodies the values of the Cultures of Resistance Network, which seeks to empower and enrich communities – especially those that have been affected by armed conflict – through the promotion of human rights, justice for victims of war crimes and the enrichment of civil society and robust grassroots democracy.

Scholarship Application Procedures

You should follow two steps:

  • STEP 1Apply for your programme

You must submit a COMPLETE on-line application for admission.

  • STEP 2: Apply for the scholarship

You must apply for this scholarship via the on-line scholarship application form.

For enquiries, please contact:

Scholarships Officer
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square

Email: scholarships@soas.ac.uk

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Cultures of Resistance Scholarships 2016

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