Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2019 for Innovative Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide (US$ 100 000 in prize money)

Application Deadline: August 31, 2018 2pm Paris time (CEST)

Since 2006, the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards has supported 198 female entrepreneurs worldwide. Each year, 21 finalists representing 7 regions (Latin America, North America, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Far East Asia, South-East Asia) are selected during the first round of the competition. These finalists are then invited to attend the Awards week (exact location still TBC) during which the second round of the competition takes place. After the final jury evaluation, 7 laureates, one for each region, are announced on stage during the Awards ceremony.


The 21 finalists, representing the top 3 projects from each of the 7 regions, will receive:
One-to-one personalized business coaching prior to the Awards week
A series of entrepreneurship workshops, knowledge sessions and networking events during the Awards week
Media visibility
A scholarship to attend the INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship 6-Day Executive Programme (provided their business meets INSEAD’s eligibility criteria)
Networking opportunities through the Cartier Awards community and beyond
First prize for the 7 laureates:
US$ 100 000 in prize money
One-to-one personalized business mentoring
Second prize for the 14 finalists:
US$ 30 000 in prize money

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards 2019 

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1 comment

Wilma Ambrosio Ruccia September 21, 2018 - 2:26 pm
Un plauso alla vostra iniziativa tesa a valorizzare l' universo femminile , ma esiste il mondo delle parole. Per chi crea le parole hanno un suono cullante, confortante, sferzante. Le parole hanno un peso, al pari delle pietre sono pesanti, al pari dei mattoni costruiscono. Le parole hanno un valore, lasciano traccia, danno più senso alla vita di chi crea e di chi, leggendo, riceve quel messaggio. Da qui l' invito a farvi promotori di cultura: di poesia, di scrittura, invece di premi in denaro pubblicate opere e pubblicizzatele distribuendole gratuitamente nel vostri negozi come strenne, così fareste conoscere questi autori in un più ampio ambito,permettendo ai loro sentimenti , alle loro idee di librarsi nel mondo per il mondo.Vi saluto Wilma Ambrosio
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