Home Fellowships Atlantic Fellows programme 2018/2019 for Social and Economic Equity (Fully Funded)

Atlantic Fellows programme 2018/2019 for Social and Economic Equity (Fully Funded)

by OFA

Application Deadline: 19 December 2017 23.59 GMT

Are you a social change leader committed to advancing justice and equity? Do you want to understand the processes that are causing and deepening inequalities? Are you willing to join forces with a global network of peers to mount a collective challenge to inequality?

With two tracks of Fellowship tailored for different needs, the Atlantic Fellows programme for Social and Economic Equity merges rigorous academic coursework with practical approaches to fostering social change.

Atlantic Fellowhip is looking for Fellows who are bold, risky, and ready to challenge power; who see the bigger picture about how inequalities are playing out; who are imaginative and radical about solutions; who bring care and collaboration into their practice; who are not focused on advancing their careers, but are truly committed to changing the world.

The Fellowship provides financial and logistic support for individuals to study at LSE in London, UK, either on a year-long MSc or through a series of short courses throughout the year.

Eligibility Requirements:

The Atlantic Fellows programme for Social and Economic Equity is looking for applicants:

  • who are deeply dedicated to challenging the root causes of inequality;
  • who are inspiring in their vision and collaborative in their approach to social change;
  • who are ready to immerse themselves in an intensive academic and practice based programme;
  • who are prepared to contribute to a global community of peers;
  • who have 7-10 years practical experience in fighting inequality especially in ways that have challenged patterns of power through grassroots community organising, civil service, campaigning, movement building, media, the arts or other practices that embody transformative change;
  • from all regions around the world, especially from across Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, South America;
  • who have not benefitted from a previous fellowship or educational opportunities of a comparable nature.

There are three main tracks in the Atlantic Fellows programme:

esidential Atlantic Fellows

Residential Fellows take the one year MSc Inequalities and Social Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The MSc offers a comprehensive and wide-ranging programme which includes expertise from leading academics in the Departments of Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Government, Law, Social Policy, Media and Communications, Gender, and Statistics and will provide students with state-of-the-art teaching in this area.

The Fellowship includes all tuition fees, a stipend to cover living costs whilst in London, and expenses for attendance at Atlantic Fellows events.

Non-Residential Atlantic Fellows

Non-Residential Fellows take a bespoke course, designed specifically to enable those who cannot give up a year of their time to engage with key issues around inequalities via a series of distinct, comprehensive short courses, with both academic sessions and in-the-field work.

The course is delivered by LSE and the University of Cape Town, taking place over seven weeks across the year. In addition the Non-Residential Fellows will undertake practical project work, with support from a dedicated Course Tutor.

The Fellowships are fully funded, with all reasonable travel and accommodation costs covered.

Visiting Atlantic Fellows

This track is a fantastic opportunity for senior figures in the challenge against inequality to undertake an intensive period of research that will create high profile advances in both academic understanding of and developing practical responses to the challenge of inequality. The Visiting Fellows will benefit from meeting and working alongside the other Atlantic Fellows, and the academics in the International Inequalities Institute.

The Fellowships will be fully-funded, including any reasonable travel, accommodation in London where needed and office space within the III, along with other reasonable research costs.


  • Application close : 19 December 2017 23.59 GMT
  • Interviews : 19-23 February 2018

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Atlantic Fellows programme 2018/2019

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Vincent keranda November 13, 2017 - 8:20 am


The International Inequalities Institute Atlantic Fellows programme 2019/2020 for Social and Economic Equity (Fully Funded to UK/South Africa) | Opportunities For Africans September 17, 2018 - 12:11 pm

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