Home Call for Applications Apply Now: The World Bank Group Young Professional Program 2013.

Apply Now: The World Bank Group Young Professional Program 2013.

by lanredahunsi

Application Deadline: June 30 2013

It is a unique opportunity for young people who have both a passion for international development and the potential to become future global leaders. The World Bank Young Professional Program is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to the World Bank’s operations such as, economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management.

In order to be competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability. We value diversity in our workplace, and encourage qualified men and women with diverse professional, academic and cultural backgrounds to apply. Since its inception, the YP Program has hired over 1,500 people who hold or have held positions ranging from entry-level to vice presidents and managing directors. It is a unique opportunity to experience development and gain exposure to the World Bank’s operations and policies.


Minimum Requirements

The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for the Young Professionals Program.

  • Be 32 years of age or younger (i.e. born on or after October 1, 1981)
  • PhD or Master’s degree and relevant work experience [?]
  • Be fluent in English
  • Please note that full proficiency in one or more of the Bank’s working languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish is desired but not required.
  • Specialize in a field relevant to the World Bank’s operations such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management
  • Have at least 3 years of relevant professional experience related to development or continued academic study at the doctoral level.

Additional Qualifications

In order to be competitive for the limited number of positions, a combination of the following credentials is highly desirable:

  • Display a commitment and passion for international development
  • Possess outstanding academic credentials
  • Exhibit excellent client engagement and team leadership skills
  • Have international development country experience
  • Be motivated to relocate and undertake country assignments

Program Features

Every year, around 40 future leaders are accepted into the Young Professionals Program. YPs spend 24 months in a structured training program, and enjoy a variety of benefits and opportunities.

Professional Experience

Young Professionals will be in a two-year program with a “stretch/learning assignment” built in, where they will gain valuable on-the-job experience. They are a member of a team, where they are expected to make significant contributions towards the unit’s work program while they gain a broad overview of the World Bank’s policies and work.


Compensation & Benefits

Salary: As an entry-level professional in the World Bank, each Young Professional receives an internationally competitive salary based on their education and professional experience.

Health, Life, Accident and Other Insurance Programs: Young Professionals and their families including domestic partners may choose from three comprehensive medical/dental benefit plans available. The World Bank also provides basic life and accident insurance to all staff at no cost, and staff can also elect optional life and accident insurance plans. The World Bank also provides disability and Worker’s Compensation coverage to staff at no cost.

Pension Plan: The World Bank sponsors a comprehensive pension plan for eligible staff. The World Bank is responsible for funding the defined benefit component and two-thirds of the cash balance component. Staff makes one-third contribution to the cash balance component and may also contribute additionally to the voluntary savings component. Upon separation from the World Bank, either a lump sum or a pension will become payable to the staff based on eligibility.

Relocation Benefits on Appointment: These benefits are only applicable to staff who are not residents of the Greater Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area at the time of appointment.

  • Relocation Travel: The World Bank will bear the cost of one-way transportation of staff and immediate dependent family from the staff member’s residence.
  • Relocation Shipment: You may choose to have the World Bank handle your shipping arrangements, or you may elect the Optional Shipment Grant.
  • Relocation Grant: A one-time grant is included in the first paycheck to cover the cost of relocation.

Mobility Premium: A financial benefit is provided for a fixed period of time to cover expenses associated with being an expatriate staff member, based on family size and nationality. This benefit is not available for U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents who are based in Washington DC.

Tax Allowance: U.S. staff receive an additional quarterly payment to cover the U.S., state and local income tax liabilities on their World Bank income. Expatriates and U.S. permanent residents do not incur U.S. income tax liability and are thus not eligible for this benefit.

Financial Assistance: The World Bank Group offers several financial assistance programs, including a two-year interest-free settling-in loan to those who relocate upon appointment.


The World Bank Group Young Professionals Program Selection Cycle
  • May1 – June 30

    Applications are received and reviewed against the selection criteria

  • July – November

    Candidates are selected on a rolling basis. Candidates selected are asked to submit additional documents

  • December – January

    Candidates are interviewed. Candidates are selected for interviews based on detailed application

  • February

    Successful candidates are submitted to the final Selection Committee by mid February.

  • March

    Candidates are selected for employment as Young Professionals. Candidates are notified of their selection in mid March.

  • September

    Selected Young Professionals join the World Bank.

Candidates who are offered a position in the YPP have two (2) weeks to respond. Offers are only binding for the current recruitment year and do not extend to the following year.

Please note that the Young Professionals Program does not currently recruit individuals who specialize in disciplines such as: Computer Science, HR, Accounting, Marketing, Law, and Linguistics.

Application Process

Before You Apply

  • You meet the minimum requirements for eligibility before completing your application to the Young Professionals Program
  • You have all the information at hand including key dates and an updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) your application is complete.

 Apply Now for the World Bank Group Young Professional Program 2013


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Klesis May 15, 2013 - 11:40 pm

A massive opportunity!

Palesa May 16, 2013 - 8:55 pm

Dis is an oportunity NOT to be missed. Let me apply NOW

priscilla June 24, 2013 - 11:03 am

good opportunies,next time should be on other careers

AFIA GYASIWAA June 24, 2013 - 8:20 pm

Youth programmes and scholarship/job opportunities need to cover up to ages 35…especially for African youths, who in most circumstances take rather longer years to strive for greater heights but barely meet such opportunities at early stages of life.

Alayah m jorporlor March 22, 2018 - 11:44 am

My name is Alayah m jorporlor I am a Liberian I am interested in job and scholarship opportunities this is my phone number 231777840675


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