Home Call for Applications Anzisha Prize 2020 for Africa’s top young Entrepreneurs ($USD 100,000 prize & all-expenses paid trip to South Africa)

Anzisha Prize 2020 for Africa’s top young Entrepreneurs ($USD 100,000 prize & all-expenses paid trip to South Africa)

by OFA

Application Deadline:April 30, 2020

If you are a young African Entrepreneur trying to grow a small business or you’ve created something that makes your community better and provides you and your friends an income, then we want your application.

Your venture could be anything. Become a role model and inspire other young entrepreneurs to believe in the difference you can make in Africa, with the right support.

Africa’s future lies in your hands and we want to celebrate your potential to grow your country’s economy and create jobs. Each year, we select 20 leading youth entrepreneurs like you to become Anzisha Prize Fellows.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must be between 15 and 22 years old with an ID document or Passport to present as evidence. Anyone born before November 1, 1997 or after October 31, 2005, will not be considered.
  2. You must be a national of an African country with a business based in Africa for African customers/beneficiaries.
  3. The Anzisha Prize isn’t awarded for great ideas or business plans – you must have already started, and be able to prove it! Get started now and ensure you have tangible results to share before applications open.
  4. Your business, invention or social project can be in any field or industry (science and technology, civil society, arts and culture, sports, etc.). Any kind of venture is welcome to apply.
  5. Individuals who apply must be one of the founding members of a business (for example, 2 or 3 co-founders who started up the project together).


  1. Monetary Reward of a shared amount of $100,000
  2. $2,000 access to a world- renowned Entrepreneurial Leadership curriculum and training with the potential for further investment based on engagement and performance
  3. $2,500 worth of rewards from consulting and mentorship services
  4. $2,000 worth of rewards from Global speaking events or Experts in Residence support
  5. $1,000 worth of rewards from Regional Indabas across the continent

Judging Criteria

To be selected as one of our Anzisha ventures, your business or project will be judged on the following 5 criteria:

  • Is your venture established with customers and beneficiaries and are you offering value to them?
  • Are you, the founder, leading and managing your venture?
  • Is your venture demonstrating some impact already?
  • Whether your venture is a for-profit business or cause-based, does it already earn revenues or already reach beneficiaries? Is there potential to increase revenues or beneficiary reach with support from Anzisha?
  • Has your venture created some jobs and is there potential to create more high quality jobs?

To be selected as one of our Anzisha Fellows, you must demonstrate two important qualities:

  1. You are the leader of your venture and you drive both venture strategy and operations.
  2. You spend at least 20 hours a week (or more) on your business and plan to continue to do so after selection.



17 February 2020: Applications Open for the 2020 Anzisha Prize.
1 April 2020: Applications close.
May 2020: Phone interviews and due diligence visit with the semi-finalists, and final selection.
July 2020: Announcement of the top 50 Finalists of the 2020 edition of the Anzisha Prize.
August 2020: Announcement of the top 20 2020 Finalists.
October 2020: Anzisha Business Accelerator and Anzisha Prize Awards Forum.

Send any questions to prize@anzishaprize.org

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Anzisha Prize 2020

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