AFRIKA KOMMT! Fellowship Program 2016/2018 for Future Leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa (Fully Funded to Germany)

Application Deadline: 3rd of February, 2017.
AFRIKA KOMMT! FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 2016 – 2018 An Initiative of German Industry for Future Leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa

19 leading German enterprises founded the initiative AFRIKA KOMMT! in the year 2008 – the very first joint-initiative for capacity building by German industry.

At the heart of the AFRIKA KOMMT! fellowship program is an eight-months practical training in a leading German enterprise benefiting both, fellows and partner companies – a classic win-win situation:
The program fellows benefit through

  • gaining first-hand practical experience in a leading German enterprise
  • being exposed to leadership concepts and management techniques in practice
  • becoming acquainted with working processes and business culture in German enterprises
  • extending their international management competencies
  • initiating networks of cooperation partners between Sub-Saharan Africa and German companies

AFRIKA KOMMT! receives valuable contributions from the German Federal Foreign Office
(Auswärtiges Amt) and the German embassies in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The program is supported by the Federal President of Germany Joachim Gauck.

The partner companies benefit through

  • establishing networks of cooperation and trust in promising future markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • extending their experience with the working and business culture in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • improving their knowledge about cultures, markets, countries etc. in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • After four completed program years a significant number of the participants now work in the branch office of their respective partner company in Africa.

Key elements of AFRIKA KOMMT!

Financed by the German partner companies, the capacity development program AFRIKA KOMMT! is conducted in German and consists of the following key components:
1. One-month home-based intensive German language preparation course
2. One-year stay in Germany comprising of:

  • Three-months intensive German language course
  • Eight-months internship in a German partner company
  • Three one-week training modules on international management and leadership competencies
  • One-week study tour in Germany on relevant subjects, e.g. “Regional Economic Development”
  • Weekend seminars on cultural and social subjects organised by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Stuttgart and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius in Hamburg
  • Cultural weekend activities organised by GIZ
    3. Six-months transfer phase after the stay in Germany via GIZ’s online platform Global Campus 21
    4. Refresher course in Africa, approx. 6-12 months after the stay in Germany, offering the former fellows to extend their networks with other alumni and to mutually benefit from their experiences.


Formal eligibility requirements
Candidates need to fulfil the following formal eligibility requirements:

  • University degree in a relevant subject
  • Postgraduate degree (e.g. MBA) is an advantage
  • Two to five years of relevant work experience
  • Excellent English language skills
  • Basic knowledge of the German language is an advantage
  • Not older than 35 years and physically fit
  • Female candidates are welcome

Candidate profiles

  • The AFRIKA KOMMT! Fellowship Program aims at highly qualified, self-driven young professionals and junior executives from Sub-Saharan Africa with several years of hands-on work experience, strong leadership qualities and a very high level of commitment and dedication.


The AFRIKA KOMMT! fellowship program includes:
Language course

  • An individual German language course before departure to Germany
  • An intensive German language course in Germany of three months including fees, accommodation and living allowance
    Travelling expenses – Flights, Visa, etc.
  •  Visa for Germany for one year
  • Roundtrip airfare from your home town to Germany and back
  • Travel to refresher course and back
  • Program-related travelling expenses in Germany
    Monthly living allowance during the theoretical phase
  • Monthly living allowance of € 750,- (August, September and October 2017; July 2018)
  • One-off relocation fee of € 1.000,- for settling back into the home countries
  • Monthly salary during the internship in the companies of approx. € 1.500,- gross


  • Accommodation during all stages of the program in Germany (including internet allowance, electricity, water and other charges)
  • Health, accident and liability insurance
  • International management training courses
  • Study tour and weekend seminars in Germany
    Alumni activities
  • Refresher course in Africa, including management training
  • Alumni networking activities


  • AFRIKA KOMMT! is a practice-oriented fellowship program.
  • Fellows will receive two certificates.
  • One official certificate by the Academy for International Cooperation of GIZ GmbH upon successful completion of the program with a detailed description of the specific contents and components of the training and one official certificate by the partner company upon successful completion of the internship.

Application Procedure:

If you want to apply for the sixth AFRIKA KOMMT! intake from 2016-2018, please make sure you follow the four steps listed below:

  • Step 1: Check the general candidate requirements – do you fit the criteria?
  • Step 2: Check the available placements and required profiles of the sixth intake of AFRIKA KOMMT! 2016-2018 – Please remember you are applying for the program in general, not for a specific placement
  • Step 3: Visit and fill in the application form
  • Step 4: Submit your application BEFORE 03.02.2017, 23.59h CET – applications submitted after this date cannot be considered

Download Call for Applications

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the AFRIKA KOMMT Fellowship Program 2016/2018

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Sang January 4, 2017 - 4:25 pm
Thanks for the program,this surely will add value yo the incoming students and there knowledge will be highly beneficial for the communities on the ground.Now this program is for only undergraduate candidates.what about Diploma candidates from Technical colleges??
Afah Valerie Azah January 4, 2017 - 11:27 pm
Good initiative for the development countries
Amiel Braza January 9, 2017 - 5:31 pm
i have Checked the general candidate requirements, my self Im 36 years old this year but im really interested to take part of the program, what should I do?
Ayele kassa January 13, 2017 - 7:10 am
I really thank you for you generous and responsible action in inviting The sub saharan african youth for this interesting fellowship program . Ayele from Addis Ababab ethiopia
Ayele kassa January 13, 2017 - 7:16 am
If African Millionniares and bilianniares Have a knowledge about The AFRIKA KOMMT fellowship program which is prepared for African youth . They will start thinking better and they will focus on investing on African youth . Any way I would like to say thank you for the program and for your attention towards to us ( African youth ). Ayele Kassa
Ayele kassa January 13, 2017 - 7:20 am
I have bachelor degree in Mathematics . May I be illegible for the AFRIKA KOMMT fellowship program to apply .
Fubusa Ruhanga January 17, 2017 - 8:03 pm
Hi. I have a bachelor in public administration, am I illegible??
Bernardino Simione January 25, 2017 - 6:31 am
Thanks I have graduation in Methematics, and I was born in 1981 May I to like to have a knowledge about the AFRIKA KOMMT fellowship program.
FREDRICK WOGGA January 25, 2017 - 8:56 am
I dont understand the section of STAYS ABROAD in the application form. Kindly elaborate.
Maisara Abuyazid Abubakar January 29, 2017 - 6:50 am
I'm really interested in the program. pls. how to apply?
AKPOH Zalazi January 31, 2017 - 11:06 am
I'm really interested in the program. Pls. how to apply
Jose Tiburcio Fernando Paulino January 31, 2017 - 8:04 pm
I have a bachelor in Geography and i have a post graduate in enviroment management, may I be illegible for this program?
Austyns Eunice February 8, 2017 - 7:50 pm
Please how do i know when the result of application is out. I mean if i am choosen.
Leno February 9, 2017 - 12:55 pm
I would like to Apply but i am i don't know if it's possible. Sincerly yours
Roman February 13, 2017 - 3:25 pm
it is too late now to apply but i would like to introduce my self so as you will consider me for the next opportunity. I have first degree in English and also first degree in law.
Jeronimo Goncalves Bande February 17, 2017 - 8:10 am
Pleased for invetion it's goog oprotunity for african woker to improove they skill. I eould like to aplly but I think it is too last, so pleace can you consider me for the next opprotunity? I have got universty degree in Human Resourse Managemant and Inspection and I am in the fourth year working in Mineral Resourse and Enery Ministery.
Lilies Kathumbi March 25, 2017 - 9:35 am
This is a brilliant idea. And benefit to Africa at large. I applied for the program, when do I expect feedback.
Stephen mayani March 27, 2017 - 12:26 pm
I have already made the application since February 2017 until now i have not received any information about the results of selection please can you let me know whether successful or not.
Ariel April 1, 2017 - 5:02 pm
I appreciate the idea! Just waiting the feedback
Ariel April 1, 2017 - 5:02 pm
I appreciate the idea! Just waiting the feedback
Fulo April 4, 2017 - 1:25 pm
I am also waiting for the feedback. does nobody get yet the feedback?
Nestor June 4, 2017 - 7:04 am
Please, there is any information about the results of the application ? Otherwise i want to know if my application is successful.
Angeler Matovu Ng'ani August 23, 2017 - 10:24 am
I am highly interested in the program.Kindly update me on the next intake. I am a graduate with a bachelors degree in business management Finance and banking.
oguine ifeanacho October 22, 2017 - 12:42 pm
please when will this years application start?
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[…] for the AFRIKA KOMMT! 2018/2020 Fellowship program are now being […]
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[…] for the AFRIKA KOMMT! 2018/2020 Fellowship program are now being […]
Getu Abuhay Hagos December 15, 2017 - 2:08 pm
I am from Ethiopian . I am HAPPY TO JOIN THE PROGRAM.
Iloegbunam maryann January 9, 2018 - 7:31 pm
I really would want to b a part of this I hope my application would b considered
Zabre Gbalé Hyacinthe January 13, 2018 - 10:38 am
Bonjour monsieur, j'aimerais avoir une bourse d'études pour poursuivre mes études .j'ai un diplôme d'ingénieur en finance et comptabilité. Je vis en côte d'Ivoire .mon contact est le +225 48001878 .merci
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