Home Call for Applications African Development Bank (AfDB) Tamayoz – Libya Leading the Way” Leadership Programme 2017 for Libyans

African Development Bank (AfDB) Tamayoz – Libya Leading the Way” Leadership Programme 2017 for Libyans

by OFA

Application Deadline: December 25th 2016.

In partnership with Libyan authorities and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Transition fund, the African Development Bank (AfDB) will launch “Tamayoz – Libya Leading the Way” Leadership programme. Tamayoz – meaning distinction and uniqueness in Arabic – has been designed to strengthen leadership at the decision-making levels of the public sector, private sector, and civil society in Libya. The programme will offer trainings to current and future Libyan leaders, emphasising core leadership skills to improve collaboration between decision makers.

With a main objective to support a new generation of Libyan leaders to contribute to the process of stabilising and reconstructing the country, this programme is aligned with the priorities of the AfDB’s 2014-2016 country re-engagement note for Libya. It is also aligned with its High 5s development agenda on improving the living conditions of Africans, by building the capacity of Libya’s own leaders to manage the on-going transition.

The Leadership Training programme is targeting 250 participants from the three above-mentioned groups of Libyan society. Working in close coordination with key stakeholders, including the Libyan Ministry of Planning, responsible for overall project oversight, and the African Development Bank (AfDB), applicants will be evaluated against set selection criteria agreed by the aforementioned key stakeholders. The following selection criterion encompasses ASI experience, and lessons learned from the implementation of related leadership programmes in other contexts. To ensure that this criteria is relevant for, and applicable to the Libyan context, the views of key stakeholders have been incorporated.

Selection Criteria:

The following are the general selection criteria for participants:

  • Have worked for a minimum of 3 years in their current workplace, or a related organisation, to ensure that applicants have sufficient knowledge of organisational needs and challenges within their sector;
  • A university degree is a distinct advantage. Applicants lacking a university degree will be considered if they can demonstrate a track record of 7 years relevant work experience;
  • Priority will be given to participants aged between 25 and 45 years old. Applicants outside this age bracket must demonstrate exceptional leadership skills to be considered in the programme. Exceptional leadership skills will be distinguished by the total score awarded in the evaluation of their application
  • Female participants are highly encouraged to apply from all three sectors, the programme will work to ensure the inclusion of a minimum of 10% female participation;
  • Good command of MS office and internet browsers in order to complete e-learning packages
  • To successfully submit the application, the applicant must commit to attending and participating in the entire programme: to fulfill the required course assignments (e-learning, written assignments etc.), face-to-face trainings, and a willingness to work in teams. If some instances, the applicant may be required to submit approval from their workplace to confirm their availability to participate in this programme;
  • Basic English language skills are a requirement for participation in this course. While most sessions will be conducted in Arabic, interaction with international non-Arabic speaking experts will have significant added value for course participants;
  • Course participants should be as reflective of the Libyan population as possible, therefore, the geographical origins of applicants will be considered in assessing the final composition of course participants;
  • Applicants who can demonstrate commitment to the political transition, Libya’s stability and development, and improved service delivery to the Libyan people will be preferred;
  • Nominees will have to provide examples in their application form/process on how and when they have demonstrated their leadership, communication, and analytical skills.
  • These skills can be detailed through their educational experience, workplace activities, and community engagement. Applicants will also submit a short video outlining their commitment to the future development of Libya, which will also be used to evaluate their presentation and communication skills. In their applications, applicants must highlight the following:
  • Good oral and written communication skills in Arabic;
  • Demonstrated desire and commitment to self-development;
  • Demonstrated desire and commitment to the development of Libya;
  • Proven leadership ability (influence, motivate and support teams);
  • Justifications as to why he/she would like to join the program, and why the applicant believes he/she should be selected.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the AfDB Tamayoz Leadership Programme for Libyans

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1 comment

African Development Bank (AfDB) Tamayoz – Libya Leading the Way” Leadership Programme 2018 for Libyans | Opportunities For Africans October 27, 2017 - 2:21 pm

[…] Tamayoz – Libya leading the way project is an initiative lead by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Libyan government to support the political transition in Libya by strengthening the leadership capacity of its public, private and civil society sectors in order to lead the way to long-term institutional effectiveness, efficiency and prosperity. […]


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