Home Fellowships Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) Visiting Fellows Program 2019 for African-based Researchers & Academics (Fully Funded to Oxford University)

Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) Visiting Fellows Program 2019 for African-based Researchers & Academics (Fully Funded to Oxford University)

by OFA

Application Deadline: January 25th 2019

The AfOx Visiting Fellows Program is designed to enhance academic mobility and network building. The program supports African scholars and researchers working in any discipline to spend periods of flexible time in Oxford, for example as sabbatical leave for utilising library or other university facilities or undertaking or planning collaborative research with Oxford based colleagues.

Application Procedure:

  • Visiting Fellows must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be holding an appointment in an African academic or research institution at the time of application.
  • For the AfOx Collaborative Fellowship you are required to enter the details of the proposed Oxford host academic and the department at which you intend to undertake your fellowship in the application.
  • You may already have established links or, alternatively, can search the AfOx database for potential collaborators and contact them before making the application. Please engage with and agree on the proposed project with your Oxford host before making the application. Applications sent without the consent and support letter from the proposed Oxford host will be immediately disqualified.The AfOx Collaborative Fellowship is the only one requiring an Oxford collaborator. All other fellowship schemes do no require a collaborator.
The Oxford collaborators will host the fellows in their respective departments and provide academic support during the fellowship. The Oxford host will be required to send a statement of support indicating their willingness to be the academic contact during the fellowship. It should be in PDF format, on headed paper, and signed. Any applications received whose statements do not match these criteria will be considered ineligible.
Please note for The AfOx Collaborative Fellowship you must: engage with and agree on the proposed project with your Oxford host before making the application. Applications sent without the consent and support letter from the proposed Oxford host will be immediately disqualified.
  • The Fellows appointed will be provided with an en-suite, single occupancy study bedroom with all meals provided in the host College. A temporary University card for and temporary membership to the college Senior Common Room will be granted for the period of residency.
  • The fellowship will also include airfare, visa fee and a maintenance allowance for incidental expenses.


The fellowships will be undertaken for 4 to 8 weeks between July and September 2019. Under certain circumstances, start dates outside this time period may be considered. Please be aware that applications will be reviewed, in part, on the basis of the work you intend to achieve in the timescale you set out.

Applicants will be asked in the application to provide their preferred start date of the Visiting Fellowship, between July and September 2019. Applications wishing to start outside this time period may be considered. AfOx will work with successful applicants and their academic hosts to set the exact start date taking into account college availability and other considerations.


  • Applications will be reviewed primarily on the quality and value added of the proposed research agenda, the fit between the applicant and the Oxford host, and the feasibility of the proposed activities in the timescale of the fellowship.
Successful applicants will be contacted no later than two months from the application closing date. If you have not heard back from us within two months please assume your application was unsucccesful. We will not be able to provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

For any further enquiries please email us: [email protected]

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) Visiting Fellows Program 2019 

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