Africa Business Fellowship (Matching American professionals with African Businesses)

Application Deadline:November 9, 2015

Africa Business Fellowship is a unique initiative that places talented American professionals within leading African companies for a minimum of 3 and up to 6 months. This opportunity will offer Fellows invaluable experience in one of the world’s fastest-growing global markets. Fellows will be exposed to sectors driving the continent’s dynamism, attend local seminars, and build relationships with some of the most influential African leaders on the continent.

Through this joint partnership, Econet (founded and led by Strive Masiyiwa, and also the Fellowship’s benefactor), Africa Leadership Network and MLT will offer this unparalleled opportunity for American professionals to gain invaluable insight and hands-on experience in African businesses. It is a career development opportunity, an inter-cultural exchange program, and a networking platform for participating Fellows.

The specific program components are:

  • 3-6 month placement in top African company: Fellows are placed with prominent African-led companies across the continent and will complete a defined project during their tenure.
  • Each Fellow is assigned a peer mentor as well as a senior sponsor to help them acclimate to the company and cultural norms of the country.
  • Retreats, Seminars & Activities: The Fellowship provides a strong cohort experience and deep cultural exposure and assimilation.
  • Fellows will attend local seminars and participate in exclusive retreats and activities with other Fellows to enhance their experience.
  • Deep Relationships with Alumni and Leaders: Fellows will have exposure to some of Africa’s most influential leaders, which includes participation in the annual African Leadership Network gathering.  Additionally, upon completion of their Fellowship, Fellows will enter an alumni community that will afford additional opportunities to deepen their networks.


  • Educational and professional experience, including official transcript(s)
  • 3 brief essay questions that help us understand your passions, skills and interests, as well as how the Fellowship ties to your career objectives
  • 2 minute video response which allows our candidates to share more about themselves
  • Written professional reference(s) from employer or other professional who can speak to candidate’s leadership experience and potential

Candidate Profile:
The African Business Fellowsip is looking for innovative and driven professionals, with strong leadership potential, who have a deep passion for learning about business in Africa and promoting America-Africa business relationships.  The ideal candidate will have:

  • MBA and/or 5+ years of meaningful business experience
  • Track record of academic achievement and early professional success
  • Strong analytic and communication skills
  • Community-level leadership accomplishments
  • Personal traits that reflect their potential: humility, integrity, ability to engage others, and a long-term vision for their place in the world

It is not necessary for fellows to have prior international experience, but candidates must demonstrate a genuine interest in African business.  ABF welcome candidates from a variety of business backgrounds. There is no ethnicity requirement, but the Fellowship is open to US citizens and permanent residents only.

key deadlines

First Day to Submit Application:July 23, 2015
Preferred (Round 1) Application Deadline: October 1, 2015
Final (Round 2) Application Deadline: November 9, 2015
Interviews:  November – December, 2015
Fellowships Offers Made:  February 2016
US Orientation:  June 2016
Travel to Respective Countries:  Immediately after US Orientation (June 2016)
In-Country Orientation & First Day at Work:  Few Days after Arrival
In-Country Retreat:  August 2016
ALN Annual Gathering & Return to US:  November 2016

Apply Now for the 2015 Africa Business Fellowship 

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1 comment

Africa Business Fellowship 2017 – Six Months Placements in African Comapnies for Young American Business Professionals. | Opportunities For Africans June 21, 2016 - 2:40 pm
[…] Africa Business Fellowship is a partnership between Econet, African Leadership Network (ALN), and Management Leadership for […]
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