Application Deadline: Friday 13 July 2018
The International RiverFoundation’s Vera Thiess Fellowship for Women gives women from
developing countries the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through the IRF and
its partners, with the goal of advancing women’s participation in water and river management. This fellowship goes towards bridging the gap in women’s participation in
river basin management in developing countries.
Awarded in the name of the late Vera Thiess, a long time supporter of the IRF, we recognise
Vera’s and the Thiess family’s commitment to philanthropic support, and continue Vera’s
legacy by supporting women’s involvement in river basin and water management. Fellows will have the opportunity to undertake beneficial activities with the IRF and its alumni and partners worldwide. Applicants are required to reach out to IRF’s partners, and others within their own networks, in order to develop a compelling proposal and itinerary for 2018-19, which will be reviewed and scored by the judging panel.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must:
• Be female
• Be a recent graduate or in the first five years of their career
• Have a demonstrated interest in sustainable river basin management
Demonstrate their motivation, leadership and ability to undertake this fellowship
• Be able to travel internationally in 2018 and 2019
• Be willing to share their Fellowship finding with the IRF and broader international river community
The recipient of the Vera Thiess Fellowship will be funded to attend the 21st International
River symposium in Sydney, Australia (14 – 18 October 2018), where the fellowship will be
formally awarded. Other benefits for the fellow include:
• Strong personal and professional development through interaction with world-leading
river basin management practitioners
• Experience in putting ideas into action in the workplace and on-ground
• The chance to provide personal insights while gaining further exposure in the river community, by writing articles for the IRF’s social media channels
• The opportunity to attend the International River symposium in 2018 and 2019
• Invited to participated in the IRF’s Diversity in Water networking event at IRS each year (and EWPP?)
• Access to the valuable IRF networks to build beneficial linkages in the global water sector
The Vera Thiess IRF Fellowship to undertake beneficial activities with the IRF and its alumni
and partners worldwide. Applicants are required to submit the following by Friday 14 July:
1. An up to date resume with personal and professional references
2. A one page cover letter demonstrating their commitment and passion for sustainable river basin management, and describing how the fellowship will help them to achieve their personal and professional goals.
3. A completed application form and a proposed itinerary and budget. The application
form includes personal details, education and work experience, thoughts on why women’s involvement in the sector is so important, objectives of one-year fellowship, communication and reporting. The itinerary and budget should include actual cost (e.g. for travel),
contributions from other partners (both financial and in-kind) and any stipend for the work undertaken.
4. A photograph of themselves (to be used for communication purposes if awarded the
fellowship) The winner will be announced on Wednesday 1 August
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Vera Thiess Fellowship for Women