Submission Deadline: March 31st 2013
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), an initiative of QATAR FOUNDATION, invites applications for the 2013 WISE Awards. These Awards recognize, showcase and promote educational projects and activities that
have demonstrated a transformative impact upon societies and communities over a period of time.
The 2013 WISE Awards will celebrate six innovative educational projects for their positive contribution within a community or society. WISE seeks to share best practices world over and inspire others to spark change in education. The WISE Awards thus highlight today’s most innovative solutions and approaches that are addressing educational challenges confronting the world at large.
Project holders from any region, educational sector or level are encouraged to submit applications which demonstrate the quality and impact of their activities in accordance with the criteria.
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The six Awards, each worth $20,000 (US), will reward concrete, action-oriented educational projects that have improved learners’ lives.
Whether you are involved in a project that provides access to quality education, creates new opportunities for lifelong learning or develops innovative educational technologies, WISE invites you to apply for the 2013 WISE Awards.
- Eligible applicants are individuals, representing a project and the team associated with it, working in any sector of education, any type of organization and from any part of the world, whose achievements can be considered as outstanding.
- Contact details and complete information on two external referees (e.g. former donors, local governments, other NGOs, etc.) must be included in all applications.
- Only one application can be submitted for a single education activity or project. If more than one application is received for the same activity or project, all applications for that project will be deemed to be ineligible.
- If the project is limited in duration, the applicant must provide a beginning and end date on the application form.
- The initial applicant will be the recipient of the Award celebrated on stage during the Awards Ceremony held in Doha during the WISE Summit, October 29 – 31, 2013. Teams of individuals should select a project
representative to apply and be the recipient of the Award. - People working for the WISE initiative in any way are not eligible to apply.
Applications must be submitted online to on the official application form that is also available at All applications should be uploaded using the filename “projectname.doc”.
The language of applications for the 2013 WISE Awards is English. Whilst the quality of written English is not a criterion for assessing applications, it is strongly recommended that applicants whose first language is not English pay particular attention to ensuring that their applications can be properly understood in English.
In the event of failure of the online application system due to exceptional circumstances, applicants should request a special dispensation from QATAR FOUNDATION before the final deadline for submission on [email protected] allowing them to post hard copies of their applications to the postal address that will be provided.
Requests for dispensation after the deadline will not be considered.
The WISE Awards are not intended to be a source of funding for new and untried ideas, and any such applications will not be considered. All applications must include evidence of the existing and current educational achievements of the project. General enquiries for funding support and submission of curricula vitae will also not be considered.
- The deadline for submission of applications is March 31, 2013, 23.59 GMT.
- The Pre-Jury will then review all eligible applications.
- The pre-selection of the 12 Finalists will be announced during June 2013.
- The 12 Finalists will then be evaluated by an external team visiting the project onsite.
- The Jury will review all the 12 Finalists and the evaluations conducted onsite.
- The Awards ceremony will take place during the 2013 WISE Summit held in Doha, Qatar, on October 29-31, 2013
The submission period for the Awards is open until March 31, 2013, 23.59 GMT