Home Call for Applications 8th Annual G(irls)20 Summit 2017 in Germany (Fully Funded to Attend & Become a Delegate)

8th Annual G(irls)20 Summit 2017 in Germany (Fully Funded to Attend & Become a Delegate)

by OFA

Application Deadline: December 8th, 2016, Midnight (EST);

The 8th Annual G(irls)20 Summit will be held this June in Germany. A delegate from each G20 country, as well as the African & European Union, Pakistan, Afghanistan & MENA region, will be selected to represent their country.


  • Female, between the ages of 18-23 (at the time of Summit)
  • Will provide consent to appear in any and all media
  • Will commit to launching a post-Summit initiative/project in her own community
  • Lives in and holds citizenship in a G20 member country, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the African or European Unions, or the MENA region
  • Is proficient in the English language for all verbal and written communications
  • Has parental or guardian permission to travel to Germany and to fully participate in the summit for the duration of the Summit (This may require absence from school)
  • Has an interest in the economic advancement of girls and women
  • Has or can obtain a valid passport and visa for travel no later than February 28, 2017



The following will be provided to all G(irls)20 Summit Delegates

  • Summit learning materials and supplies;
  • Return economy air travel arrangements, from the closest international airport to the delegate’s home to Germany;
  • Accommodations while in Germany (in transit accommodations to be covered by the delegate);
  • Meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner and refreshments each day;
  • All ground transportation while in Germany.

* Please note: it will be the responsibility of the delegate to arrange her own ground transportation to and from her home and the airport, as well as acquiring a passport and/or visa (some countries will require a visa).


  • Deadline to submit complete applications: December 8th, 2016, Midnight (EST);
  • Applications will be reviewed by the G(irls)20 Global Advisory & Partners;
  • Two finalists from each country will be selected and contacted in early January, 2017. Phone interviews will be held shortly thereafter. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted; and
  • 2017 G(irls)20 Summit Delegates will be announced by the end of January, 2017.

How to Apply:

Download and Fill Out the Following forms:

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the 8th Annual G(irls)20 Summit 2017 in Germany

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KAZINGUFU STANISLAS January 15, 2017 - 4:06 pm

Comment: I am Deaf and i am congoese and my conutry Democratic Republic of the Congo. i need participant the training

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