Home Calls for Nominations ’60 over 60′: A Call for Nominations of Outstanding Older People


Call for Nominations 60 over 60

To complement the release of a new report, Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge, UNFPA and HelpAge International are creating a list of 60 inspiring and influential older people over 60.

Make your nominations for 60 over 60 now!
You can nominate yourself, or an older person you admire, beginning today.
They are looking for a diverse group representing many nationalities and ages.

There are 3 ways you can nominate your inspiring older person for the 60 over 60 list:

  • Visit to submit a photo and short story, sharing  in 150 words or less about the nominee’s accomplishments and qualities.
  • Post an image to the UNFPA or HelpAge’s Facebook wall with a short text of 100 words or less.
  • Share a tweet of 140 characters or less, using the #60over60 hashtag
    Nominations will close on 23 November 2012.All qualifying nominees will be posted on the 60 over 60 webpage of the 7 Billion Actions platform.

    An expert panel of respected public figures working with older people, or older people themselves, will narrow the list down to 60 people.

    The panel’s selections will be announced in December and the 60 over 60 list will be featured online and in the media.



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