2020 Hult Prize Challenge for high-impact Entrepreneurs (Grand Prize of USD1Million)

Application Deadline: December 23rd 2019

The Hult Prize Foundation transforms how young people envision their own possibilities as leaders of change in the world around them. With a US$1,000,000 global startup prize as its anchor activity, the Hult Prize has brought impact-focused programs, events and trainings to over a million students globally, creating a pathway for youth everywhere to take action to build a better world.

Each year, a pressing social challenge is selected by President Clinton and becomes the theme for the respective cycle. The 2020 Hult Prize Challenge provides a specific and measurable objective that each participating team is intended to solve through the creation of a sustainable enterprise. In March, selected participants are invited to pitch their start-ups that specifically address the challenges identified in that year’s challenge. A clearly defined framework is also provided to ensure your idea contains the necessary qualities and mandates to be an innovation breakthrough.

The 2020 Hult Prize Challenge as announced by President Bill Clinton at the United Nations is: “Building Startups That Have A Positive Impact On Our Planet with Every Dollar Earned” Can we build bold businesses that have a positive net impact on our planet with every sale completed, dollar earned, and decision made?


Students from any college or university in the world are invited to form teams of 3-4.

You are considered a student if at the time of application submission, you have not yet graduated. Alumni and faculty are not allowed to be official team members.

Students will be responsible for any travel costs associated with competing in the Hult Prize.  Fundraising and university support is common.

Registration fees for this year’s Hult Prize have all been waived. Teams will be responsible for covering their travel costs.


The winning student team and their new start-up. Each year the Hult Prize provides one million dollars in seed capital to the winning impact enterprise of it’s flagship program.  The prize money is seeded into the newly created company, which will be run by the student team who came up with the idea.

Application Procedure:

Student teams interested in participating in the event should visit www.hultprize.org to fill out the online application. Applying is easy and consists of four easy steps:

  1. Select your city of competition
  2. Create a team of 3-4 students from your college or university that share your passion
  3. Upload your resumes and one team statement of purpose into the online application
  4. Check back regularly to see if your team has been selected or join our Facebook page

Teams selected to compete in the Regional Finals will be responsible for securing their own travel arrangement to and from the event. Training, pre-event mixer, food and drink throughout the day and post-event reception will all be covered.

You can also check www.hultprizeat.com and see if your university is hosting an “on-campus” event.  Winners of on-campus Hult Prize@ editions get to bypass the application.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Hult Prize 2020 Challenge

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