Home Contests 2016 Valeo Innovation Challenge International Student Contest on Innovation ( €100,000+ Prize)

2016 Valeo Innovation Challenge International Student Contest on Innovation ( €100,000+ Prize)

by OFA

Application Deadline: 15 January 2016 at 12 noon, French time.

Valeo have launched the 3rd edition of its contest, the “Valeo Innovation Challenge 2016“, which offers students from around the world the opportunity to become players in automotive innovation. They are required to come up with an innovation which would, between now and 2030, make the car and the way it is used more intelligent, intuitive, green and fun. These students are being asked to develop bold solutions for the society of tomorrow.

The aim of the contest is to reward an innovative automobile-related project (technological innovation or idea for new ways of using the car) that is the product of the imagination of students worldwide.

Through this contest, Valeo is showing that innovation lies at the core of its DNA and that Research and Development is a priority for the Group. It is the guiding force behind the 11,000 engineers who innovate each day while inventing the car of tomorrow.

The Group is seeking to raise student awareness of the challenges that careers in the automotive industry can offer them.

Selection Criteria:

The selection criteria for the projects are:

  • Bold, innovative and original idea of the project (“Best Innovation” category / “Best Idea for a new way to use cars” category);
  • Challenges and relevance of the problem dealt with and factoring in of society’s expectations;
  • Knowledge of technical / related matters;
  • Feasibility and construction of proof of concept;
  • Quality of presentation.


The 24 projects selected for the model phase will receive financial assistance in accordance with the content of Article 12 below.

  • Industry experts will then review each proposal. On March 18, 2016, Valeo will announce 24 qualifying teams.
  • Each of these 24 teams will receive €5,000 to bring their idea to life via a prototype, video, website or smartphone app. The finalists will present their projects to a jury in Paris in October 2016.
  • This year, for the first time, Valeo will award two first-place prizes! The winning team in the category “Best Innovation” will take home €100,000, and the top team in the category “Best Idea for a New Way to Use Cars” will also win €100,000! (The second-place teams in both categories will each take home €10,000.)

A first prize of €100,000 will be awarded on completion of the contest in each of the following categories:

  • The innovation prize for the best technological innovation
  • The idea prize for new ways of using the car

The second prize for each in these two categories is €10,000. The deadline for submitting entries is 15 January 2016 at 12 noon, French time.

Enter Now for the Valeo Innovation Challenge 2016

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Valeo Innovation Challenge 2016


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1 comment

Valeo Innovation Challenge 2017 International Student Contest (100 000 Euros & Fully Funded to Paris, France) | Opportunities For Africans October 18, 2016 - 10:53 am

[…] The Valeo Innovation Challenge is an international student contest that give the opportunity to students around the world to become players in automotive innovation. Are you passionate about cars, do you have ideas to make the car of 2030 and ways to make it more intelligent, intuitive, green and fun? If so, this Challenge is for you. Register now in one of the two categories! You can win 100 000 euros! […]


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