Home Algeria 2016 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowships (€100,000 Prize)

Application Deadline: June 16th 2015

Prize: Each of the five Laureates will receive an award of €100,000. Including Israel.

Created in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Awards program identifies and supports eminent women in science throughout the world. Each year, five Awards Laureates are recognized for their contributions to the advancement of science, in Life or Physical Sciences in alternating years.

The 2016 edition of the Awards will designate five outstanding scientific researchers in the Life Sciences, working in one of each of the following regions: Africa & the Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America.

The solutions to attracting more women to science appear so obvious that few would disagree with them. L’Oréal-UNESCO  should, in particular, instill confidence in girls from an early age by showing them their own potential. More women scientists should also be able to obtain positions of responsibility, just like their male counterparts, so that future generations will have role models to inspire them.


  • To be considered eligible for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science  international awards, the candidates must be nominated in writing by an eminent scientist.
  • Self-nominations are not eligible, nor are nominations from immediate  family members.
  • Have obtained a Ph.D in life or physical sciences or pursuing studies leading to a Ph.D degree
  • Be a citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country
  • Be working in a research lab or institution in one of the region’s countries or being enrolled in a doctoral programme at a university in the region
  • Be no more than 40 years old by the end of the application period for Ph.D and not more than 45 years for post-doctoral

Qualified Nominators:


– Heads of Universities or Scientific Institutions
– Members of the Academy of Sciences or other national scientific institutions
– Holders of research chairs
– Permanent and assistant professors
– Past For Women in Science Awards Laureates
– Holders of a Ph.D.


Women scientists who are:
– Recognized for their excellence among the international scientific community,
– Actively involved in scientific research in any field of the Life Sciences
or Physical Sciences, and
– Not directly or personally involved in the For Women in Science program,
as a jury member or otherwise, in any country.

Application Procedure:

  • An application is considered complete only if it includes all of the following documents:
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • A brief explanation of why the nominator considers the individual to be a worthy candidate for the L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science (200-400 words)
  • A list of publications and patents, starting with the most recent
  • The full text of the five most significant publications in order of importance with:
  • a brief resume explaining their significance (less than 200 words), number of citations for each paper excluding auto-citations and the impact factor of each journal
  • Three to five letters of recommendation from eminent scientists outside the candidate’s home institution
Laureates Commitments:
  • Each Laureate will receive a €100,000 Awards, out of which:
– €80,000 is presented personally to the Laureate, in recognition of her commitment and contribution to the advancement of scientific research.
– €20,000 must be dedicated by the Laureate to the promotion of women in science or the promotion of
science to the younger generation. The specific means of this support may include the costs related to such activities as school conferences, mentoring, and educational outreach programs, or by a direct donation to a nonprofit association or institution dedicated to the promotion of women in science.
Nominations closing date: 16th June 2015
Pre-selection by peer review: July 2015
Examination by the Jury: August-September 2015
Jury deliberation meeting: 15th September 2015
Awards Ceremony: March 2016

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the 2016 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowships 

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1 comment

L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards 2019 for female researchers. | Opportunities For Africans June 26, 2018 - 3:14 pm

[…] around the world are invited to present and nominate the most qualified candidates for the 2019 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Awards, until 13 July 2018. Their active participation will ensure that the best female researchers from […]


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