Home Botswana 2016 Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries to study in the United Kingdom

2016 Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries to study in the United Kingdom

by OFA

Application Deadline: April 1st 2016

The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the largest and most prestigious scholarship schemes for international study in the world. Since it was established in 1959, around 30,000 individuals have benefited – 25,000 of them have held awards funded by the UK government, managed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC).

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarships is offered by the CSC for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries in 2016. These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are offered for selected taught Master’s courses, and are usually tenable for one year only. These scholarships do not cover undergraduate courses, PhD study, or any pre-sessional English language teaching.


To apply for these scholarships, you must:

  • Be a Commonwealth citizen, refugee, or British protected person
  • Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2016
  • By August 2016, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard
  • Not have studied or worked for one (academic) year or more in a developed country
  • Be unable, either yourself or through your family, to pay to study in the UK
Intended beneficiaries:
  • High-quality postgraduate students who have not studied extensively overseas before, who would not otherwise have the opportunity to study in the UK, and who have the potential to enhance the development of their home countries with the knowledge and leadership skills they acquire.

Scholarship Worth:

Shared Scholarships are jointly funded by the CSC and participating UK universities. Each Scholarship provides:
  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (arranged by the university; funded by the CSC)
  • Approved tuition and examination fees (funded by the CSC)
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,034 per month, or £1,268 per month for those studying at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2015-2016 levels) (paid and funded by the university)
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a dissertation, where applicable (claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC)
  • Warm clothing allowance and visa reimbursement, where applicable (paid and funded by the university)
  • Study travel grant towards the costs of study-related travel within the UK or overseas (claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC)
  • Excess baggage allowance, up to an annual approved limit, when returning home (claimed from and paid by the university; funded by the CSC)
  • No additional allowances are available for spouses or other dependants.

How to Apply

  • You should apply to study an eligible Master’s course at a UK university that is participating in the Shared Scholarship scheme. Here is a list of participating universities and eligible courses.
  • You must make your application using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS) – information on how to use the EAS, including detailed guides, is available at http://bit.ly/cscuk-shared-scholarship
  • Before applying, you must check with your UK university for their specific advice and rules for applying, and for their own closing date for applications. Here is a list of contact details
  • You can apply for more than one course and/or to more than one university, but you may only accept one offer of a Shared Scholarship. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the EAS to your UK university or applications directly from individuals.
  • All applications must be submitted by 23.59 (BST) on 1 April 2016 at the latest. Each university has its own closing date for applications, and most fall before 1 April 2016. You must submit your application by the date advised by your UK university.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the 2016 Commonwealth Shared Scholarships

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Abass Darboe October 15, 2015 - 3:40 pm

I am a Gambian citizen and I have completed my ungraduate studies at the university of the Gambia. I am definitely interested in the scholarship.

watum boniface October 16, 2015 - 7:18 am

am glad that you guys are offering for us the opportunities to explore and build our capacities. am from uganda and willing to do public health, i have a bachelor degree in social development from makerere university. waiting for your mutual responses

Emmanuel Okoth Obonyo October 16, 2015 - 7:40 am

I am currently taking my degree in Criminology and Security Management can i get sponsorship in Criminology field?

Olivia Ndimunhu October 16, 2015 - 3:38 pm

I am currently a 4th year doing a bachelor degree in nursing science in Namibia. Would love to further my studies to hold a masters public health.

Umozurike Kingsley T. October 17, 2015 - 5:06 am

I am a bachelor degree holder in Architecture. I have a strong intention of broadening my intellectual standard in my field of study

Dalmas Lokok October 17, 2015 - 7:46 am

I am in Kenya a degree holder, bachelor of science in environmental health.I will appreciate to study MPH reproductive health in UK.

David October 17, 2015 - 8:42 pm

I had Distinction in my PGD in chemistry but in my undergraduate I had 3rd class,i am eligible to apply for this scholarship,I wish to study more but no financial assistance.

minini roso blessing October 17, 2015 - 8:43 pm

I am from Nigeria, I have my bachelor degree in civil engr, also have my post graduate diploma in technology management. I will really appreciate if am lukcy to run a master degree in this current scholarship.

Mayat Audu Akim October 18, 2015 - 5:17 am

I am currently in Nigeia, I hold a post graduate diploma in public administration and technical educaion and would be rounding up my madters in public administration. Woukd appreviate if I could be offered the opportunity to pursues Mscnpublic administration ir conflict management.

Abdullahi hassan October 18, 2015 - 5:14 pm

I will like to inrole

I m in gh I had second class lower 2.8 can I apply plsss October 19, 2015 - 10:33 am


Muhammad Musa October 19, 2015 - 11:17 am

I’m a Nigerian living in Nigeria and i have never travelled abroad, i seriously need this scholarship . I will be glad to improve my experience. I holds Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) In Economics First Class.

Richard Brown May 27, 2016 - 2:28 pm

Are u sure u are a First Class Graduate? Check your grammar. You (holds) Bachelor of …….

Esther Serwah Fobi October 19, 2015 - 1:05 pm

I am a Ghanaian with a first degree in education.I wish to enrol and be part of the educational opportunity.

Thembinkosi October 19, 2015 - 8:22 pm

I am outraged as to why the Commonwealth Scholarships should be limited to study in the UK. Studying in other equally good developing country members of the Commonwealth could reduce the cost per degree by 80% in some instances, allowing large numbers of citizens to benefit. Is this yet another vehicle for Britain to maintain a stranglehold over its former colonies. Who owns the Commonwealth…..is the Commonwealth an institution of the future. Does it have a place in the 21st century with its apartheid policies.

kingsley Eshun October 20, 2015 - 5:12 pm

Comment:please help me to achieve my goal

ONYA EMMACULATE October 22, 2015 - 8:38 am

please how do i apply

Comfort Dwamena kwakye October 24, 2015 - 11:41 am

Am a ganaian with a higher national diploma and will be much grateful to be granted for this education opportunity.

kondwani Botha October 24, 2015 - 12:36 pm

Am from Malawi and I have a Diploma in Accounting and I want to further my studies but am failing due to financial problems. Can you please help me with this scholarship so that atleast I attain a good qualification in this field? Thank you

dr steven onyango October 26, 2015 - 6:20 pm

I am a medical doctor, I live in kenya, if this scholarship can help me do a masters in medicine(MMED), or MPH, please contact me.

Musa Auwalu November 4, 2015 - 8:59 am

Comment: iam graduate in social studies education iam having second class lower .i will be gretiful if iam opporturene to be among the one will be admitted in common wealth cauntries to oversees

musa November 4, 2015 - 9:13 am

Comment:iamhgraduaiate in social studies educayion in Ahmadu bello university zaria .second class lower i wiill be greatiful if iam admmitted in uk

Ajibola Oluyinka Caleb November 8, 2015 - 5:14 pm

Pls how do I appy?

yasmina orera December 7, 2015 - 5:05 pm

I,m a cameroonian living in cameroon, i have never traveled abroad. i had a second class lower of 2.8 in special education and i wish to apply for masters in education studies. Can i apply? waiting!!

Sylvanus Conteh February 5, 2016 - 4:30 pm

I have a degree with a Division One in Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. Am i eligible to apply?

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships 2017 for Students from Developing Countries for study in the United Kingdom (Fully Funded) | Opportunities For Africans October 26, 2016 - 9:06 am

[…] Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are offered for selected taught Master’s courses, and are usually tenable for one year only. These scholarships do not cover undergraduate courses, PhD study, or any pre-sessional English language teaching. […]


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