Application Deadline: November 19th 2015
The Commonwealth Academic Fellowships offered by the CSC for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries in 2016. These fellowships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas
interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s Secretariat is provided by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), which is responsible for all matters concerning selection, academic studies, and evaluation. The British Council is responsible for supporting award holders in their home countries before and after their awards.
For early career academic staff from developing countries to spend between three and ten months at any approved UK university or higher education institution. Applications must include a justification for the length of award requested.
To apply for these fellowships, you must:
- Be a Commonwealth citizen, refugee, or British protected person
- Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country. For a full list of eligible countries, visit http://bit.ly/cscuk-developing-cw-countries
- Be employed by a university in a developing Commonwealth country
- Be available to start your fellowship in the UK on 1 October 2016. Any other start date will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances
- Have been awarded your PhD between two and ten years prior to October 2016
- Not have previously held a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship within five years
AND - Have been awarded your PhD by a UK university while on a Commonwealth Scholarship
OR - Be in the employment of your nominating university
Fellowship Worth:
Each fellowship provides:
- Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor usually the cost of journeys made before your award is finally confirmed)
- Research support grant, at a fixed rate according to your subject, payable to your host university
- Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,580 per month, or £1,959 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2015-2016 levels)
- Grant towards the cost of preparing reports and other written work
- Arrival allowance
- Study travel grant towards the costs of approved travel within the UK or overseas
- If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £444 per month for the first child, and £109 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and solely legally responsible for them. The level of financial support provided through family allowances is under review and subject to change in both eligibility and rate.
- If you have previously held a Commonwealth PhD Scholarship funded by the CSC and meet the eligibility criteria for these fellowships, you can apply directly to the CSC.
- Selected universities are also invited to nominate their own academic staff. If you are employed by one of these universities, you must apply via that institution in the first instance. For a full list of eligible universities
- You must check with your nominating university for their specific advice and rules for applying, and for their own closing date for applications.
- You must make your application using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS) – information on how to use the EAS, including detailed guides, is available at http://bit.ly/cscuk-academic-fellowships
- Your application must be endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor or Executive Head of the university that employs you.
- Unless you previously held a Commonwealth PhD Scholarship funded by the CSC, the CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via a nominating university.
- All applications must be submitted via the EAS by 19 November 2015 at the latest.
- The CSC cannot accept nominations for these fellowships from other organisations, or applications directly from individuals (other than those who have previously held a Commonwealth PhD Scholarship funded by the CSC); such applications will not be acknowledged
- The deadline for nominating universities to submit nominations to the CSC is 17 December 2015. The CSC invites around three times more nominations than fellowships available – therefore, nominated candidates are not guaranteed to be awarded a fellowship
For More Information:
1 comment
GOOD AFTERNOON,je voudrais par votre canal demander une bourse pour continuer mes études en master.Je sius titulaire d’une maitrise en géographie.Veuillez agréer l’expression de mes profonds sentiments.Merci