Application Deadline: 15:00 GMT on Mon, 27 July 2015
In partnership with the Graça Machel Trust, Canon Collins Trust award this scholarship on an annual basis.
Eligibility Requirements:
To apply for a scholarship under this programme you must be:
- Female
- A national of and normally resident in one of the SADC countries: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
- In possession of a good first degree (minimum second class, upper division or equivalent) or about to graduate in the year of application
- Studying or applying to study at a South African university
Scholarship Worth:
- Full tuition, stipend and other support for Honours, masters and PhD study at South African universities
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Graça Machel Scholarships for Women