Home Fellowships 2015 WACCBIP-Wellcome Trust DELTAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme for Young African Scientists ($150,000 Stipend & ully Funded)

2015 WACCBIP-Wellcome Trust DELTAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme for Young African Scientists ($150,000 Stipend & ully Funded)

by OFA

Application Deadline: 30th November 2015.

The WACCBIP-Wellcome Trust DELTAS programme is seeking young African scientists to work as postdoctoral fellows in an environment that promotes the development of leadership skills and networking with other scientists in Africa. As a new centre of excellence for biomedical research, WACCBIP will generate tremendous research activities through the various graduate training programmes.

The centre and its partners will therefore, provide a well-resourced research environment to promote the research careers of newly graduated PhDs. WACCBIP is co-hosted by the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology (BCMB) and the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR), University of Ghana, and has several regional and international partner institutions.


To apply for this fellowship, you must:

1. Be an African who receivedhis/her PhD degree within the last three years and interested in developing a research career in the biosciences in Africa.
2. Develop a comprehensive postdoctoral research proposal that can be completed within 2-3years.
3. Be highly motivated individual interested in developing novel research directions.
4. Work with minimal supervision and have a high standard for research ethics.
5. Be interested in workingon one of the following priority disease areas and research themes:

Priority Disease

Non-communicable diseases

  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Cancers
  • Stroke
  • Chronic Kidney disease
  • Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

Infectious diseases

  • Protozoan pathogens – Malaria, Trypanosomiasis
  • Fungal pathogens – Cryptococcosis, Candidiasis
  • Helminths – Schistosomiasis, Onchocerciasis, Soil-transmitted helminths
  • Mycobacteria – Tuberculosis, Buruli ulcer
  • Other Bacterial Pathogens –Gastro-intestinal and blood infections
  • Viruses – HIV/AIDS, Ebola (EBVD), rotaviral infections, Influenza, Dengue fever

Research themes

  • Human genetics
  • Disease pathogenesis and immunity
  • Pathogen genomics/Bioinformatics
  • Host-pathogen interactions
  • Diagnostics
  • Molecular epidemiology
  • Target discovery for drug and vaccine development

The candidate will have the options of working at the following institutions across Africa


The successful post doctoral fellow will be supported with up to $150,000 to cover:

– A monthly salary
– Research supplies and reagents
– Conference grant
– Other related costs

Interested applicants may send their complete application documents to  waccbipleader@ug.edu.gh or  waccbip@gmail.com.

Fill Out the Application Form

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the WACCBIP-Wellcome Trust DELTAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

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